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【2024/05/04 22:58 】 |
Verification of Tae Kwon Do history

8dc413db.jpgHistory of Koryo
vol 128
Retsuden 41

This book is collection of culture related descriptions from the Annals of Joseon published by the colonial government in 1939.

Daejong 16, vol32

d8f3bd78.jpgConfiscation of 51 books.
The colonial government official telegram No69
Dated 19 Nov 1910


"Problems in the identity and Philosophy of Taegwondo and Their Historical Causes"
Steven D. Capener, ph. D,
It has been postulated that t'aegwondo is Korea's most effective diplomatic tool, achieving what Korea's most skilled diplomats have been unable to accomplish; that is, bring the citizens of advanced western countries to an attitude of respect before the Korean flag. It has been further argued that t'aegwondo, as the Korean national sport, and one of the repositories of traditional, indigenous Korean culture, plays a vital role in preserving traditional Korean culture in the face of western cultural imperialism.
T'aegwondo, a martial sport, has been given these rather weighty responsibilities because t'aegwondo has been popularized as a unique product of Korean culture, continuously extant in Korean history since the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period, some 1300 years ago. The importance placed on (his history of unique development within Korea is understandable as it provides t'aegwondo with a Korean pedigree (chokpo) granting legitimacy as a traditional Korean institution imbued with an ancient and mysterious past which not only holds great appeal to non-Koreans, but also serves as a source of national pride to Koreans themselves who crave an internationally recognizable symbols of their culture.

The overemphasis on establishing and asserting t'aegwondo's indigenous Korean origins and development, however, has actually been an impediment to t'aegwondo's potential growth and development.
T'aegwondo seems to have reached it's goals of international recognition upon its inclusion as an official sport in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, testimony to the incredible growth of t'aegwondo as a sport in the last 35 years, that t'aegwondo is now grappling with serious philosophic problems, regarding its identity and future development. The main cause of these problems is found in the history of t'aegwondo's origins.
The fact that t'aegwondo was first brought into Korea from Japan in the form of Japanese karate around the time of the liberation of Korea from Japanese colonial rule, and the way this fact has been dealt with in Korea has left many serious inconsistencies in the way t'aegwondo has been development within Korea and propagated abroad.... The concept of martial art based on the Chinese philosophical concept of tao was developed in Japan beginning with the transformation of swordmanship from a battlefield necessity to a form of philosophic human movement.
This philosophical concept, as it was applied to fighting skills by the Japanese, did not exist in Korea.
Rather, during the last half of the Choson dynasty, physical activity, especially of a martial nature, became all object of scorn and a sign of low breeding as seen in the royal court attitude of valuing learning and disregarding martial skill.

Koreans' first concrete exposure to this concept of martial art was through the martial arts training judo and kendo under the militaristic education policy effected by the Japanese during the colonial period.
This concept was reinforced with the entry of karate into Korea.
The propagation of the philosophies associated with karate flourished as did many other Japanese policies and methodologies.
This was especially true in the sport and physical education realms as can be seen by the fact that the faculty of the physical education department of Seoul National University at that time consisted almost exclusively of Japanese trained educators whose teaching and training methods were exclusively Japanese.
【2011/09/28 08:03 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Tae Kwon Do's fabricated history
Tae Kwon Do

"The earliest records of Taekwondo practice date back to about 50 B.C. During this time, Korea was divided into three kingdoms: Silla, which was founded on the Kyongju plain in 57 B.C.; Koguryo, founded in the Yalu River Valley in 37 B.C.; and Paekche, founded in the southwestern area of the Korean peninsula in 18 B.C.."(2) Tae Kyon ( also called Subak) is considered the earliest known form of Taekwondo.

Paintings from this time period have been found on the ceiling of the Muyong-chong, a royal tomb from the Koguryo dynasty. The paintings show unarmed people using techniques that are very similar to the ones used by Taekwondo today.

Although Taekwondo first appeared in the Koguryo kingdom, it is the Silla's Hwarang warriors that are credited with the growth and spread of Taekwondo throughout Korea. Silla was the smallest of the three kingdoms and was always under attack by Japanese Pirates. Silla got help from King Gwanggaeto and his soldiers from the Koguryo kingdom to drive out the pirates. During this time a few select Sillan warriors were given training in Taek Kyon by the early masters from Koguryo.

The Taek Kyon trained warriors then became known as the Hwarang. The Hwarang set up a military academy for the sons of royalty in Silla called Hwarang-do, which means "The way of flowering manhood." The Hwarang studied Taek Kyon, history, Confucian Philosophy, ethics, Buddhist Morality, and military tactics. The guiding principles of the Hwarang warriors were loyalty, filial duty, trustworthiness, valor, and justice.

The makeup of the Hwarang-do education was based on the Five Codes of Human Conduct written by a Buddhist scholar, fundamental education, Taek Kyon and social skills. Taek Kyon was spread throughout Korea because the Hwarang traveled all around the peninsula to learn about the other regions and people.

During the Silla dynasty (A.D. 668 to A.D. 935) Taek Kyon was mostly used as a sport and recreational activity. Taek Kyon's name was changed to Subak and the focus of the art was changed during the Koryo dynasty (A.D. 935 to A.D. 1392). When King Uijong was on the throne from 1147 through 1170, he changed Subak from a system that promotes fitness to primarily a fighting art.

The first widely distributed book on Taekwondo was during the Yi dynasty (1397 to 1907). This was the first time that Subak was intended to be taught to the general public, in previous years the knowledge was limited to the military. During the second half of the Yi dynasty, political conflicts and the choice to use debate instead of military action almost lead to the extinction of Subak. The emphasis of the art was changed back to that of recreational and physical fitness. The lack of interest caused Subak as an art, to become fragmented and scarcely practiced throughout the country.

In 1909 the Japanese invaded Korea and occupied the country for 36 years. To control Korea's patriotism, the Japanese banned the practice of all military arts, Korean language and even burned all books written in Korea. This ban was responsible for renewed interest in Subak. Many Koreans organized themselves into underground groups and practiced the martial arts in remote Buddhist temples.
そのせいで手搏の復興が阻害されたのだ。 多くのコリアンは仏教寺院に隠れて武術の修行をするようになった。

Other people left Korea to study the martial arts in other countries like China and Japan. In 1943 Judo, Karate and Kung-fu were officially introduced to the Korean residents and the martial arts regained popularity. In 1945 Korea was liberated. In the last few years before liberation, there were many different variations of Subak/Taek Kyon in Korea. This was due to all of the other martial arts influence on it.

The first Taekwondo school (Kwan) was started in Yong Chun, Seoul, Korea in 1945.

1.Origin-Koguryo painting(BC37-668).
2.Imaginary figures-Shilla(BC356-935) Hwarangdo
3.Imaginary martial arts-Subak? Taekyun?
4.Distortion-Japanese pirates appear in Korea much later that that. The Japanese who invaded Shilla were Japanese settlers in Kaya where Japan occupied.(AKA Mimana)
5.Distortion-Harang means Flower boys not flowering manhood.
6.Fabrication-Hwarang Do. Hwarang and Taek Kyun. Hwarang and the 5 codes.
7.Fabrication-Ban of tae Kwon Do,Korean language and even burned all books written in Korea.
8.Fabrication-Koreans organized themselves into underground groups and practiced the martial arts in remote Buddhist temples.


I'm checking records about Subak now.
It doesn't sound like a martial art.
【2011/09/23 10:59 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Hapkido's fabricated history
Hapkido history

Evidence of martial training in Korea far pre-date the earliest form of written evidence found in the Samkuk Saki (3 Kingdom History) written in the 12th Century.

In 1935, excavations of the Muyong-Chong tomb found the earliest known evidence of martial arts on ceiling murals.

Other tombs, notably the Anak Tomb (Koguryo) and Sambo-Chong Tomb dating from the early to late 4th Centuries, depict other caricatures of sparring, blocking stances and what appear to be older versions of dobok with black waist sashes.
4世紀初期の安岳三号墳やSambo-Chong Tombにはスパーリングやブロッキングの様子や黒帯のついた道着が描かれている。

Further, other paintings in another well-known Koguryo Tomb, the Samsil Tomb, show evidence of a Taekyun match (formerly known as Subak) and another picture clearly showing a Korean wrestling/grappling match, likely the ancestor of Ssireum.
また別の高句麗古墳Samsil Tombではテッキョンの試合やコリアンレスリング=シルムの絵が描かれている。

This depiction is corroborated by references to Korean wrestling in the Book of later Han written in the 5th Century.

From the 3 Kingdom's Period through the United Shilla and Koryo Dynasty's, a time spanning roughly 1,400 years, Korean fighting styles continued to develop.

Through both internal and external conflicts, these fighting styles evolved and became more organized and structured.
The same could likely be said for Korea's closer neighbors (Japan, China) as well, as both war and commerce led to continued exchanges between them for well over a millennia.

Although the practicing and perception of martial-arts saw a sharp decline beginning in the Yi Dynasty (1392-1919) due to the influence of Confucianism, from the 12th Century until approximately the 18th Century, multiple manuals and books of martial arts were written to further document and codify Korea's martial traditions.

These various texts provide us with further evidence and insight into the history of their development. The earliest known work, the Samkuk Saki (3 Kingdom History) was written in 1145 and is widely accepted to contain early and factual data by Korean scholars.

Although this book is a general history book, multiple references to Korean martial arts are found within its pages, one of the most well known was the documenting of a 10-day long empty-hand fight between General Jung Ryang and Queen Jin-duk's troops which took place in 647AD. Approximately a century later, the Samkuk Yusa (3 Kingdom's Memorabilia) was written and within its pages, contained a history of the establishment of civil service testing during the Koryo Dynasty, of which part consisted of graded martial arts contests.
一番有名なのは647年、真徳女王(新羅)の軍とJung Ryang将軍による10日間の素手の試合だ。

At this time, the art of Subak is already found in governmental records of the time, indicating that it had already existed in its current form for at least a generation or two, arguably longer. It is also believed by some researchers that it was at this time that the art of Subak began to split into separate and distinctive arts, one being Yusool (locks/grappling) and the other being Taekyun (kicks/striking)

The Ji Xiao Xin Shu (New Book Recording Effective Techniques) was written by the Chinese strategist, Qi Jiguang in approximately 1560. This book contained a variety of weapon arts with a cursory mention of Chuan Fa (Kung-Fu). The compilers of this record saw unarmed combat effective for the basic training of soldiers but saw little use of it on the battlefield.

This is important because this manual became the blueprint for the Korean Mu Ye Je Bo, written only a decade later in 1598 during the Imjin War (1592 - 1598). This Korean text was the precursor to the Muye Dobo Tongji which went on to be the best the most complete source of Korean martial arts until the present time. A passage in the introduction to Kwon Bup (Subak) mirrors this belief…

"Kwon Bup is not adequate for large scale combat, however, it is an excellent way for beginners to start martial arts training to learn the way of the hands and feet and discipline."

The Mu Ye Je Bo went through a revision in 1610 and added 4 volumes (from the prior 7) from a Japanese martial arts manual and 12 more battlefield methods were added in the last revision in 1759 called the Muyesinbo.

These 23 arts formed the basis for the 24 art compilation found in the Muye Dobo Tongji, commissioned by King Jung-jo in 1790 and exists to this day. In honor of Korea's martial traditions, the art of Muye 24 Ban is still practiced today in Korea and is believed to be a reflection of the skills and tactics contained within the pages of the Muye Dobo Tongji.

The Japanese Army invaded Korea in 1910 and ruled the country until they were expelled by Allied Forces in 1945 at the end of World War II. During that period it was not uncommon for Korean families and treasures to be relocated to Japan. One such person was Hapkido's founder, Yong Sool Choi.

Choi was interviewed by Jong Bae-Rim and Joseph Sheya in 1982 which was later translated and published in 1999, it was his only known interview. Choi asserts that he was born in Yong Dong in Choong Chung Province, Korea in 1904. At about the age of 8, he was taken to Japan by a Japanese business owner and later abandoned.

月刊ハプキド 1971年10月号では9歳で誘拐されたとあるhttp://www.toshima.ne.jp/~fukuoka3/hapkido/choiyonsul_ueshiba.htm)

Choi states that he was taken to Kyoto and came under the care of a temple monk named Kintaro Wadanabi. Choi stated that he was fascinated by the murals of martial arts and battles within the temple and when asked what direction he wanted his life to go, Choi pointed to the murals.

Unknown to Choi at this time, Wadanabi was close friends with Sokaku Takeda. In addition to a proficiency in Ona-Ha Itto-Ryu swordsmanship, Takeda was also the 37th generation Grandmaster of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu, an art which emphasized the use of joint locks, strikes and nerve attacks to neutralize an opponent.

Many great warriors, in accordance with ancient traditions, undertook annual pilgrimages throughout Japan to improve their martial arts skills. During their travels they visited local temples to offer prayer and donations. It was during one of Master Takeda's visits that Wadanabi and the resident monks, seeing an opportunity, asked Master Takeda to take the young Choi as a disciple.

It’s important to note that Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu was originated by Shilla Sahm Lang (third son of Shilla in translation), who was believed to be a Korean bureaucratic official from the united Shilla Dynasty of Korea, who taught this art to Japan's Minamoto Shogunate, the ruling family of Japan during the Kamakura feudal era. (See insert) This art was passed to members of the Takeda Clan where it remained for over 35 generations.
ところで重要なことを忘れてはいけない、大東流合気柔術は新羅のサムラン(三郎)が起源だ。(新羅の三番目の息子という意味なのだ) サムランとは新羅の官僚と信じられている。

Choi went to live with Takeda at his home in the Shin Su Mountains as his personal servant and lived with him, traveling and training for 30 years until Takeda's death in 1943.

The Japanese occupation of Korea ended with their defeat in 1945. This event coincided with Takeda's death and Choi decided to return to his homeland of Korea. Choi brought back with him the art Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu which was the “Yusool” of the Shilla kingdom and long forgotten in his own land. It should also be noted that the “Yusool” of Hapkido that has been developed in Korea after Choi's return should not be considered as Daito-Ryu anymore. In fact, it is believed that Choi wanted to develop a system that is comparable to modern society as a practical martial art, instead of teaching the original Daito-Ryu which is an ancient battle field system with special consideration of fighting an armored opponent.

And there are 2 hilarious pictures on the page.
bc093d94.jpgOriginator "Won Eui Guang" is Korean pronunciation of Minamotono Yoshitsune who's legendary Samurai in Kamakura period. "Sam Lang" is Korean pronunciation of Saburo, it means 3rd son and very very common Japanese boy name like Ichiro(1st son).
Yoshitsune had never been to Korea, he wasn't martial artist.

4thCenturyKorea-Final.jpgFamous Korean "Napoleon complex" map.

1.Origin-Koguryo painting(BC37-668). Minamotono Yoshitsune(1159-1189)
2.Imaginary figures-Shilla(BC356-935) Samlang
3.Imaginary martial arts-Subak Yusool Taekyun?
4.Distortion-the most well known was the documenting of a 10-day long empty-hand fight
I checked Samuguk Sagi, it was 10 days castle siege, there was nothing about empty-hand fight.
5.Fabrication-Korean wrestling in the Book of later Han written in the 5th Century
I checked the Book of later Han Koguryo section, there was nothing about Korean wresting. Koguryo wasn't Korean country anyway.
6.Fabrication-undertook annual pilgrimages throughout Japan to improve their martial arts skills.
There was no Korean who took such pilgrimages.
7.Fabrication-Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu was originated by Shilla Sam Lang
8.Myth-This art was passed to members of the Takeda Clan.

Hapkido history is pretty insane, isn't it?

【2011/09/21 13:25 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Haidong Gumdo's fabricated history

During the Silla Dynasty in ancient Korea (618 - 935 AD) the martial arts expanded rapidly.
The Kingdom of Silla was one of the three kingdoms in Korea and was notable for the military prowess of its young warrior class, the Hwa Rang.
The five basic principles we use in Haedong Kumdo are derived from the principles of these elite warriors.

Haidong Kumdo is a traditional Korean sword martial art with a history extending as far back as the ancient Goguryo Kingdom of Korea in AD 331.

At the beginning of the Yi Dynasty (1392-1910), a National Martial Arts Manual ‘Moo Ye Dobo Tonji’ was published.

Geographically, Korea is located in an enviable position, a peninsular nation with ample access to the ocean, as well as being a close neighbor to both China and Japan. Because of its location, nearby countries in ancient times often sought to occupy Korea to gain control of its superior geographical attributes. Korea also frequently struggled with civil war, as opposing dynasties within the country vied with each other for power. As a result, Korean warriors of old often found themselves fighting off foreign invaders and warriors from rival Korean dynasties.

The prevalent state of warfare in Korea gave these Korean warriors the opportunity to practice their sword techniques and find out which techniques neutralized their enemies most efficiently and effectively. One group of warriors ‘Samurang’ who lived in the Koguryo kingdom nearly 2,000 years ago, became particularly skilled at swordsmanship.

Their training hall was located on Mt. Baekdu (which rests on the North Korea-China border) and they were led by a master swordsman named Sul Bong, who had great spirituality. Sul Bong not only taught his students the deadliest sword techniques, but also told them to live their lives according to the ideals of Choong (loyalty), Hyo (filial piety), Ye (propriety), Eui (justice), Shin (trust), Ji (knowledge), Duk (generosity) and Che (sound body).

The Samurang spread the vision of living each day with righteousness and justice, and under the command of General Uel Ji Moon Duk, fended off 2 million soldiers during the invasion of the Sui Dynasty. They also defeated 600,000 Tang soldiers at the Ahn Shi battle under the command of General Yang Man Choon. Through the centuries, the sword techniques that the Samurang perfected were passed down from warrior to warrior.

During the occupation of Korea by Japan (1907 - 1945) the practice of native martial arts was prohibited and the Japanese forces destroyed virtually all records of the actual techniques of the ancient Korean martial Arts. This prohibition forced many Korean Sword Masters to emigrate, or to practice secretly.

1.Origin-Shilla Hwarang
2.Imaginary figures-Koguryo Samurang
3.Imaginary martial arts-Samurang's sword art
4.Distortion-The five basic principles and Hwarang had no connection.
5.Fabrication-Training hall was located on Mt. Baekdu. Ban of Korean martial art under Japanese rule.
c01.jpgMt. Baekdu

Question-Who is Sul Bong?

【2011/09/20 13:10 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Mu Sool Won's fabricated history
Mu Sool Won is a spin-off of Kuk Sool Won.
(maybe the founder didn't want to pay franchise fee)

Mu Sool Won

Mu Sool Won (무술원), a Korean phrase literally meaning ‘Martial Arts Academy’, is an organization which studies and teaches Korean traditional martial arts made up of Royal Court Martial Arts, Buddhist Martial Arts, and Family Martial Arts.

Mu Sool refers to all types of martial arts skills to protect and train our body and mind in an organized and systematic way, either empty-handed or using weapons including a sword, a stick, a stave, an ax, and a dagger.

Ancient Chinese people recorded that all martial arts were derived from ssirum, Korean wrestling, and ssirum was first introduced 5,000 years by Chioo (also said as Chiu, Tiu, Tiw, or Ziu), the 14th Haanoong of Cooree (3897 BC ­ 2333 BC), a federal nation composed of nine states of Ree people, the present Korean people.

Haanoong Chioo was born in 2749 BC and was trained under Sunin Jaaboo before he became Haanoong at the age of 42.
慈烏支は紀元前2749年に生まれ、Sunin Jaabooの下で42歳まで訓練した。

2.Imaginary figures-Chi-Woo,Sunin Jaaboo
3.Imaginary martial arts-SahDoh MuSoo, BoolKyo MuSool, KoongJoong MuSool
4.Imaginary records-Ancient Chinese people recorded... from ssirum
5.Common noun as school's name-Musool means "martial art"
【2011/09/20 12:28 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Kuk Sool Won' s fabricated history
To find out the pattern of Korean Uriginal martial art history, I translate them in Japanese.

国術院 ククスルウォンの歴史
Ancient History

The history of Korean martial arts is as old as the land itself and can be traced as far back as the prehistoric era, where primitive weapons made of wood and stone were used for hunting and fighting.

As early as 2707 BC, the Korean warlord Chi-Woo, also known as Jaoji, reigned as the “god of war” in what is now Mainland China.
紀元前2707年 コリアン武士の慈烏支桓雄が軍神として中国に君臨。

Since then, the majority of Koreans migrated and settled in the region of the Korean Peninsula, where there have been more than a thousand recorded instances of foreign invasions. Consequently, the Korean people developed unique martial arts and military strategies in order to defend themselves and their territory.

Most of these Korean martial arts fall into three main groups or branches, namely tribal, Buddhist, and royal court martial arts.

Tribal martial arts (SahDoh MuSool)

The earliest martial arts developed in Korea are referred to as SahDoh MuSool; meaning tribal, clan, or family martial arts, as this type of martial art was mainly passed down from one generation to the next through family lines.

SahDoh MuSool was popular among the ancient tribes, city-states and smaller kingdoms that formed in the Korean Peninsula and parts of what is now China.

This was evident well before the first unified Korean kingdom of Ko-Cho Sun which was founded in 2333 BC by the legendary king, DahnGoon WahngGuhm.

Later, SahDoh MuSool was further developed and made widespread by voluntary militias comprised of the common people, who often fought in battles to defend their villages.

Traditional athletic activities such as Taekkyon, and Ssireum are considered to have originated from SahDoh MuSool. In fact, many techniques found in the popular Olympic sport of TaeKwonDo can also be traced back to SahDoh MuSool.

Buddhist martial arts (BoolKyo MuSool)

Since Buddhism was first introduced to the kingdom of Koguryo in the year 347, a rather unique form of martial arts was developed by both Buddhist monks as well as martial artists, known as BoolKyo MuSool.

Buddhist monks originally developed and then practiced BoolKyo MuSool to improve their health while meditating and to defend themselves while traveling.

As a result, Buddhist martial arts include both internal training, with emphasis on special breathing and meditation methods, as well as external training, with emphasis on extremely effective self-defense techniques.

Many Buddhist monks were so accomplished as martial artists that they were occasionally called upon during national emergencies to fight in battles by forming unprecedented armies of warrior monks.

To this day, BoolKyo MuSool plays a significant role for Korean martial artists by providing them with philosophies of non-violence and compassion as well as ethical codes of conduct, such as the famous Five Precepts of the HwaRang warriors.

Royal court martial arts (KoongJoong MuSool)

Kings, royal families and government officials had private armies and bodyguards who practiced a type of martial art known as KoongJoong MuSool.

These royal court martial arts gave rise to esoteric techniques of easily portable weapons such as short swords and folding fans. Also developed were unique weaponless techniques of joint-locking and pressure point striking.

Existing records in Japan suggest that many KoongJoong MuSool techniques found their way there and gave birth to the Japanese art of Jujitsu.

King JinHung of the Kingdom of Silla encouraged the HwaRang warriors to practice KoongJoong MuSool in addition to their other martial arts training.

But later during the Koryo Dynasty and Chosun Dynasty, Korean kings enforced policies to discourage the practice of martial arts and to forbid the possession of weapons, in order to protect themselves from military rebellion or any other political uprising.

However, Korean martial arts have continued to develop both within and without the royal courts, thanks to the efforts of many dedicated Korean martial artists to practice, record, and compile these precious martial art techniques.

Traditional Korean martial arts (Kuk Sool)

The three branches of traditional Korean martial arts: SahDoh MuSool, BoolKyo MuSool, and KoongJoong MuSool, were organized to form a single system known as Kuk Sool in 1958 by In-hyuk Suh, the founder and Grandmaster of Kuk Sool Won™.

Kuk Sool has countless techniques derived from the three branches of traditional Korean martial arts and is structured to take a practitioner in a logical progression from the beginning all the way up to Master level.

Kuk Sool Won™ has been actively promoted worldwide by the World Kuk Sool Association®, and it is also recognized in the martial arts community as one of the most effective and comprehensive systems of traditional Korean martial arts in existence today.

2.Imaginary figures-Chi-Woo,DahnGoon
3.Imaginary martial arts-SahDoh MuSoo, BoolKyo MuSool, KoongJoong MuSool
4.Imaginary records-Existing records in Japan suggest that...the Japanese art of Jujitsu
5.Common noun as school's name-Kuksool means "national skill"

【2011/09/20 12:08 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Korea and swordmanship

Annals of Joseon Dynasty
The people were not accustomed to use of sword.jpg1480-6-11
The people were not accustomed to use of sword or spear, defended from the enemy only by archery.

1592-10-13 我が国絶無剣手.jpg1592-10-13
There is no swordman in our country.

The Japanese deserters are good at sword and spear.
Any sword art has not been succeeded from ancient time in our country.
We should make a unit lern sword/spear arts from the Japanese.

1593-2-10c 我国被虜女人.jpg1592-2-10
A prisoner returned from enemy's site.
She was able to learn how to make gunpowder.

King said
"Hurry to master matchlock gun making. We aren't still able to make gunpowder.  Don't kill the Japanese who know how to do it.
Have them teach us."

The 2 Japanese deserters, one knows how to make gunpowder , one knows how to make matchlock gun.
Give them higher rank and send one to Yongbyong for making gunpowder,
send one to iron mining town for making guns.

They gathered all the matchlock guns that they got yeasterday,
sent them to General for training soldiers.

Muye Tobo Dongji 1790
Archery was the only martial art practiced by Korean soldiers.

There's no spear or sword art.
【2011/08/29 14:49 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(1) | トラックバック()
The Myth of Hwarang
Nowadays Hwarang [花郎] is respected by the Korean as a symbol of Korean spirit. They say:

    Silla developed its Hwarang (Flower of Youth Corps), a voluntary military organization. The Hwarang members were trained as a group in the arts of war, literary taste and community life, partly through pilgrimages. The educational objectives were:

       1. loyalty to the monarch
       2. filial piety to parents
       3. amicability among friends
       4. no retreat in war
       5. aversion to unnecessary killing

    These objectives were postulated by the famous monk Won-gwang, who consolidated Buddhist-Confucian virtues in the education of Silla youths. This movement became popular and the corps contributed to the strength of the Silla Kingdom.

Korea.net: History: The Three Kingdoms

Koreans believe it blindly, but it is no more than a fiction. Hwarang was not a training group of warriors, and the five disciplines they mentioned above, Sesok-ogye [世俗五戒], had nothing to do with Hwarang.

Hwarang [花郎] stands for "Flower Boy(s)." (Korea.net's translation is misleading.) It sounds sissy and fairy not only in English but also for people using Chinese characters. Why they were qualified as "flowery," although the Korean believe it was a group of elite warriors? It seems much more natural for a warrior to be qualified as "fierce" or "tough." Furthermore, when we liken men to flowers, we use another hwa (83EF) instead of hwa (82B1). Hwa (82B1) is usually used for women. So the name of Hwarang is closely associated with gay.

There are scarce historical data about Hwarang. No text written during Silla era survives. Main resources are three books: Samguk Sagi (1145), Haedong Goseungjeon (1215), and Samguk Yusa (1284). I recommend you to read these books in the original. (English translations are often inaccurate) You will be surprised how rarely Hwarang is mentioned.

Samguk Sagi, the oldest history book in Korea, consists of six parts: Silla Bon-gi (Annals of Silla), Goguryeo Bon-gi (Annals of Goguryeo), Baekje Bon-gi (Annals of Baekje), chronological table, Japji (miscellaneous records), and Yeoljeon (biographies). There is only an episode of Hwarang in Silla Bon-gi. It describes the origin of Hwarang briefly. The first term referred to Hwarang is "Wonhwa," and Hwarang was not male at first. The first members of Wonhwa were two women: Nammo and Junjeong. During the years of King Jinheung's reign, they were chosen by the king and soon had about 300 followers. But when Junjeong killed Nammo out of jealousy, Wonhwa was abolished.

Hereupon Samguk Sagi says that the king mustered young boys who looked good, made them wear makeup and decorated beautifully, and called them Hwarang. They were given freedom. Among them excellent persons were chosen and recommended to the court.

Samguk Yusa run the same story and it is more interesting. It says that after abolishing Wonhwa, the king ordered virtuous and superior boys from aristocratic families to be chosen and freshly made them Hwanang (not Hwarang). (*) Hwanang [花娘] stands for "Flower Girl(s)," although they were boys. What this means?

Samguk Sagi quotes Hwarang Segi by Kim Daemun, which says, "Bright ministers and loyal subjects are brought up here, and good generals and brave soldiers are born therefrom." It is clear that Hwarang in itself was not a warrior group. Although some Hwarang members later became good generals and brave soldiers, it is doubtful that they belonged to Hwarang when they rendered distinguished service.

When you read Yeoljeon (biographies) of Samguk Sagi, you will find it describe several Silla people joined Hwarang groups when young. But many of them had nothing to do with military affairs. Furthermore the relationship between each of them and the Hwarang groups is unclear. Although Samguk Sagi mentioned each of them became a Hwarang in youth, it tells nothing more. What did he do when he was a Hwarang? Till when was he a Hwarang member?

Hwarang is often mentioned in connection with Buddhism, which was severely suppressed during the Yi period. This was partly because the author of Samuguk Yusa was a Buddhist monk. Samguk Sagi and Samguk Yusa refer to Sesok-ogye [世俗五戒], which Koreans believe was the set of Hwarang's five disciplines during Silla. Ogye [五戒], the five precepts, are the minimal set of moral restrictions to be observed by Buddhist householder-practitioners. (*) Sesok-ogye was just a variant of Ogye. And according to Samguk Yusa, the famous Buddhist monk Won-gwang taught Sesok-ogye to Kwisan and Chuhang, who later joined the army and won martial glory, but nothing says that they were Hwarang members. (*) Sesok-ogye had nothing to do with Hwarang. "It was a set of norms for every day life of common people," said Prof. Shin Bok Ryong. (*)

Although Koreans do not want to refer to or just do not know it, Hwarang still existed after the collapse of Silla. According to Hunmong Jahoe (1527), the learner's dictionary of Chinese characters by Joe Sejin, Hwarang meant a male shaman during the Yi dynasty. At that time Hwarang were bottom in rank and disrespected.

Because of an inferiority complex toward Japan, South Korea needed something equal to Japanese samurai after the independence from Japan. So Koreans transformed mysterious Hwarang into brave warrior groups in the world of their imaginations. It was a convenient fiction for Koreans because Hwarang were prior to Japanese samurai. Some of them began to believe unquestioningly that samurai was influenced by Silla's Hwarang without foundation. Yes. By doing this they could beat hatred Japanese.

【2011/08/23 11:48 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
'Hwarang=Taekwondo' Needs Reinterpretation
'Hwarang=Taekwondo' Needs Reinterpretation
Seo Sung Won (The Taekwondo News)(2001/05/23)

"Hwarang is not a group of warriors but of handsome boys. Sesok Oh-Kye (Hwarang's five disciplines during Shilla) had nothing to do with Hwarang, and it was a set of norms for every day life of common people," said Shin Bok Ryong, Konkuk Univ. prof (History of politics and diplomacy). By this theory, he has stirred the Taekwondo society.

Prof. Shin reversed the existing theory by saying in Dong A Il Bo (daily), "Hwarang that has been praised as height of young culture in Korean history, but it is nothing but distortion of history."

His new theory give direct and indirect influences on Taekwondo as well as on the history society. Taekwondo history has generalized the equality 'Hwarang spirit=Taekwondo spirit' and most schools teach that Shilla's Hwarang is the very origin of Taekwondo.

Most Korean instructors including Kim Yong Ho and Moon Dae Won who are active in foreign countries never omit Hwarang in talking about spiritual culture (ethics and morals) of Taekwondo.

Taekwondo administrating bodies implicitly acknowledge the equality 'Hwarang spirit=Taekwondo spirit.' 「Kukkiwon, 25 years of history」published by Kukkiwon says, "It is desirable that today's Taekwondo men should accept Hwarang spirit as Taekwondo's philosophical mentality."

It was in mid-1970's when they studied history of sports that they related Hwarang to Taekwondo history. While prof. Na Hyun Sung and Jung Chan Mo formed a structure of Taekwondo history, they interpreted Korean history of martial arts as related with Taekwondo. Their interpretation is still dominant.

However, more and more people object to such interpretation in Taekwondo history. Starting a full-fledged talk about history and origin of Taekwondo, they even criticized that the previous description was a far-fetched reasoning.

Vice president of Kukkiwon Lee Jong Woo stressed the relation between Taekwondo and Hwarang to attain national pride and legitimacy, but later expressed that we needed a new perspective now. 'When they said that Hwarang spirit is Taekwondo spirit, they were only turning it to their own advantage.'

Prof. Yang Jin Bang (Yong In Univ. Dpt. Taekwondo) has a similar view.
Prof. Yang said, "I doubt if Taekwondo has fully accepted lots of studies of Hwarang. It is stupid to ask if Hwarang is the spirit of Taekwondo."

"It is problematic to interpret Hwarang as origin of Taekwondo," he continued. "It is necessary to investigate Hwarang spirit from a objective view and to accept it for Taekwondo."

By the way, prof. Oh Noh Gyun (Chung Cheong College) who has persistently studied the relation between Hwarang and Taekwondo said, "Interpretation depends on a view. We need to connect good things of Hwarang to Taekwondo, to make Taekwondo more constructive."


The descriptions about Hwarang in Korean historical records are so limited.
Of course there is no TKD on the records since TKD is a modern martial art based on Karate.
And no mentioning about martial art and Hwarang.
The records say the boys were good at singing and dancing.
Yes Hwarang were mobilized for war but Hwarang weren't the only soldiers so they weren't something like specially trained troop.

【2011/08/23 11:38 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Haedong Kumdo is a modern martial art
Following is my comments for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ5Vpun9o_c

Haidong Kumdo is a modern art based on Japanese sword arts which even Koreans recognize.

Only Korean nationalists and people who cannot face the facts like you do not recognize.

Look what they are wearing, Japanese folk outfits.(wearing incorrectly)

Hapkido is another copy of Japanese martial art Aiki Jujutsu.

Problem isn't copying, is what they are propagating outside of East Asia which is "Ancient Korean invented it and Japanese copied." The sort of Uriginal attitude is flaming anger among Japanese and Chinese.(Koreans uriginalize Chinese culture too)

The reason why Koreans uriginalize Japanese and Chinese culture instead of promoting their own culture is simple because it makes more money.

Foreigners especially Westerners are strangely enthusiastic to Samurai and Ninja (I still don't understand why) and Chinese MA but they cannot distinguish Japanese and Chinese culture.

So they are easily deceived by the Korean swindlers.

If the Korean say "We had same things what Japan and China had" they believe without studying history.

So I can say MA dojos operated by Koreans are all modern mixed arts not traditional just like Ninjutsu MA dojo.

They both fabricate the history to make them look better but the true essence of those arts are just business, how much they can make money is most important for them.

Plus, in the case of Korean, it's national vanity.

They call it "Korean pride" but the fact is "Korean vanity"

The vanity Korean mentality wasn't developed recently but it's ethnic character.

William Eliot Griffith 1843~1928 wrote

"This is a good specimen of Corean varnish-work carried into history. The rough facts are smoothed over by that well-applied native lacquer, which is said to resemble gold to the eyes. The official gloss has been smeared over more modern events with equal success, and even defeat is turned into golden victory."

"Corean architecture is in a very primitive condition. The castles, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings cannot approach in magnificence those of Japan or China. The country, though boasting hoary antiquity, has few ruins in stone."

"Corea has no samurai. She lacks what Japan has always had - a cultured body of men, superbly trained in both mind and body, the soldier and scholar in one, who held to a high ideal of loyalty, patriotism, and sacrifice for country."

I have been researching about Korean martial arts history.

Historically Koreans preferred bow rather than sword.

There were indivisual Koreans who tried to learn Japanese sword arts like the author of Muye Dobo Tongji but somehow nobody carried on.

It desappears. This is the cultural difference of Japan and Korea.

Martial arts and all sort of military things were looked down in Korea.

Samurai didn't use sword very much in the battles during Sengoku period either because matchlocks were more effective.

Sword became soul of Samurai was during Edo period.

Learning sword arts was "must do" for Samurai sons and carrying 2 swords was symbol of Samurai status. Samurai wasn't just a name for them but a social rank.

Each Han had han operated dojo, there were town dojos operated by sword masters, and even village dojos operated by wealthy farmers.

Japan has numerous episodes, historical records and material evidences of the martial arts especially sword arts(Kenjutsu) is because of Japan's social system.

Japan had been ruled by Samurai for 1000 years.

Even kids and women were learning sword arts.

This is what Korea totally lacked in their history.

There's no reason for Koreans to learn sword arts.

Koreans propagate uriginal martial arts only outside of East Asia.

You know why?

Because they know they can't deceive Japanese and Chinese.

Japanese and Chinese both were former master countries for Korea, know Korea didn't have such martial arts historically.

You guys are "cash cows" for the Koreans.
【2011/07/20 14:39 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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