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【2025/03/13 17:05 】 |
Hapkido's fabricated history
Hapkido history

Evidence of martial training in Korea far pre-date the earliest form of written evidence found in the Samkuk Saki (3 Kingdom History) written in the 12th Century.

In 1935, excavations of the Muyong-Chong tomb found the earliest known evidence of martial arts on ceiling murals.

Other tombs, notably the Anak Tomb (Koguryo) and Sambo-Chong Tomb dating from the early to late 4th Centuries, depict other caricatures of sparring, blocking stances and what appear to be older versions of dobok with black waist sashes.
4世紀初期の安岳三号墳やSambo-Chong Tombにはスパーリングやブロッキングの様子や黒帯のついた道着が描かれている。

Further, other paintings in another well-known Koguryo Tomb, the Samsil Tomb, show evidence of a Taekyun match (formerly known as Subak) and another picture clearly showing a Korean wrestling/grappling match, likely the ancestor of Ssireum.
また別の高句麗古墳Samsil Tombではテッキョンの試合やコリアンレスリング=シルムの絵が描かれている。

This depiction is corroborated by references to Korean wrestling in the Book of later Han written in the 5th Century.

From the 3 Kingdom's Period through the United Shilla and Koryo Dynasty's, a time spanning roughly 1,400 years, Korean fighting styles continued to develop.

Through both internal and external conflicts, these fighting styles evolved and became more organized and structured.
The same could likely be said for Korea's closer neighbors (Japan, China) as well, as both war and commerce led to continued exchanges between them for well over a millennia.

Although the practicing and perception of martial-arts saw a sharp decline beginning in the Yi Dynasty (1392-1919) due to the influence of Confucianism, from the 12th Century until approximately the 18th Century, multiple manuals and books of martial arts were written to further document and codify Korea's martial traditions.

These various texts provide us with further evidence and insight into the history of their development. The earliest known work, the Samkuk Saki (3 Kingdom History) was written in 1145 and is widely accepted to contain early and factual data by Korean scholars.

Although this book is a general history book, multiple references to Korean martial arts are found within its pages, one of the most well known was the documenting of a 10-day long empty-hand fight between General Jung Ryang and Queen Jin-duk's troops which took place in 647AD. Approximately a century later, the Samkuk Yusa (3 Kingdom's Memorabilia) was written and within its pages, contained a history of the establishment of civil service testing during the Koryo Dynasty, of which part consisted of graded martial arts contests.
一番有名なのは647年、真徳女王(新羅)の軍とJung Ryang将軍による10日間の素手の試合だ。

At this time, the art of Subak is already found in governmental records of the time, indicating that it had already existed in its current form for at least a generation or two, arguably longer. It is also believed by some researchers that it was at this time that the art of Subak began to split into separate and distinctive arts, one being Yusool (locks/grappling) and the other being Taekyun (kicks/striking)

The Ji Xiao Xin Shu (New Book Recording Effective Techniques) was written by the Chinese strategist, Qi Jiguang in approximately 1560. This book contained a variety of weapon arts with a cursory mention of Chuan Fa (Kung-Fu). The compilers of this record saw unarmed combat effective for the basic training of soldiers but saw little use of it on the battlefield.

This is important because this manual became the blueprint for the Korean Mu Ye Je Bo, written only a decade later in 1598 during the Imjin War (1592 - 1598). This Korean text was the precursor to the Muye Dobo Tongji which went on to be the best the most complete source of Korean martial arts until the present time. A passage in the introduction to Kwon Bup (Subak) mirrors this belief…

"Kwon Bup is not adequate for large scale combat, however, it is an excellent way for beginners to start martial arts training to learn the way of the hands and feet and discipline."

The Mu Ye Je Bo went through a revision in 1610 and added 4 volumes (from the prior 7) from a Japanese martial arts manual and 12 more battlefield methods were added in the last revision in 1759 called the Muyesinbo.

These 23 arts formed the basis for the 24 art compilation found in the Muye Dobo Tongji, commissioned by King Jung-jo in 1790 and exists to this day. In honor of Korea's martial traditions, the art of Muye 24 Ban is still practiced today in Korea and is believed to be a reflection of the skills and tactics contained within the pages of the Muye Dobo Tongji.

The Japanese Army invaded Korea in 1910 and ruled the country until they were expelled by Allied Forces in 1945 at the end of World War II. During that period it was not uncommon for Korean families and treasures to be relocated to Japan. One such person was Hapkido's founder, Yong Sool Choi.

Choi was interviewed by Jong Bae-Rim and Joseph Sheya in 1982 which was later translated and published in 1999, it was his only known interview. Choi asserts that he was born in Yong Dong in Choong Chung Province, Korea in 1904. At about the age of 8, he was taken to Japan by a Japanese business owner and later abandoned.

月刊ハプキド 1971年10月号では9歳で誘拐されたとあるhttp://www.toshima.ne.jp/~fukuoka3/hapkido/choiyonsul_ueshiba.htm)

Choi states that he was taken to Kyoto and came under the care of a temple monk named Kintaro Wadanabi. Choi stated that he was fascinated by the murals of martial arts and battles within the temple and when asked what direction he wanted his life to go, Choi pointed to the murals.

Unknown to Choi at this time, Wadanabi was close friends with Sokaku Takeda. In addition to a proficiency in Ona-Ha Itto-Ryu swordsmanship, Takeda was also the 37th generation Grandmaster of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu, an art which emphasized the use of joint locks, strikes and nerve attacks to neutralize an opponent.

Many great warriors, in accordance with ancient traditions, undertook annual pilgrimages throughout Japan to improve their martial arts skills. During their travels they visited local temples to offer prayer and donations. It was during one of Master Takeda's visits that Wadanabi and the resident monks, seeing an opportunity, asked Master Takeda to take the young Choi as a disciple.

It’s important to note that Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu was originated by Shilla Sahm Lang (third son of Shilla in translation), who was believed to be a Korean bureaucratic official from the united Shilla Dynasty of Korea, who taught this art to Japan's Minamoto Shogunate, the ruling family of Japan during the Kamakura feudal era. (See insert) This art was passed to members of the Takeda Clan where it remained for over 35 generations.
ところで重要なことを忘れてはいけない、大東流合気柔術は新羅のサムラン(三郎)が起源だ。(新羅の三番目の息子という意味なのだ) サムランとは新羅の官僚と信じられている。

Choi went to live with Takeda at his home in the Shin Su Mountains as his personal servant and lived with him, traveling and training for 30 years until Takeda's death in 1943.

The Japanese occupation of Korea ended with their defeat in 1945. This event coincided with Takeda's death and Choi decided to return to his homeland of Korea. Choi brought back with him the art Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu which was the “Yusool” of the Shilla kingdom and long forgotten in his own land. It should also be noted that the “Yusool” of Hapkido that has been developed in Korea after Choi's return should not be considered as Daito-Ryu anymore. In fact, it is believed that Choi wanted to develop a system that is comparable to modern society as a practical martial art, instead of teaching the original Daito-Ryu which is an ancient battle field system with special consideration of fighting an armored opponent.

And there are 2 hilarious pictures on the page.
bc093d94.jpgOriginator "Won Eui Guang" is Korean pronunciation of Minamotono Yoshitsune who's legendary Samurai in Kamakura period. "Sam Lang" is Korean pronunciation of Saburo, it means 3rd son and very very common Japanese boy name like Ichiro(1st son).
Yoshitsune had never been to Korea, he wasn't martial artist.

4thCenturyKorea-Final.jpgFamous Korean "Napoleon complex" map.

1.Origin-Koguryo painting(BC37-668). Minamotono Yoshitsune(1159-1189)
2.Imaginary figures-Shilla(BC356-935) Samlang
3.Imaginary martial arts-Subak Yusool Taekyun?
4.Distortion-the most well known was the documenting of a 10-day long empty-hand fight
I checked Samuguk Sagi, it was 10 days castle siege, there was nothing about empty-hand fight.
5.Fabrication-Korean wrestling in the Book of later Han written in the 5th Century
I checked the Book of later Han Koguryo section, there was nothing about Korean wresting. Koguryo wasn't Korean country anyway.
6.Fabrication-undertook annual pilgrimages throughout Japan to improve their martial arts skills.
There was no Korean who took such pilgrimages.
7.Fabrication-Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu was originated by Shilla Sam Lang
8.Myth-This art was passed to members of the Takeda Clan.

Hapkido history is pretty insane, isn't it?

【2011/09/21 13:25 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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