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Fake Kendo and Fake Samurai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvxiTWZW_BY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSlzjkNQ9VE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHXd3cUwa5w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLdBsH0Uc1U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2d_4QYYW7c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nGJA9agipo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkg7i9b_Fy0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLTj9izDw1s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzGX8LuRURM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4jZUcRg8d4 LInks Japan Expo http://www.japan-expo.com/ Bushido http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido Samurai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai Japanese sword http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katana Full Text of "Bushido, 1900" by Inazo Nitobe http://chiri.let.hokudai.ac.jp/~you/nitobe/data/bushido.htm Full Text of "Korea and Her Neighbors, 1898" by Isabella Bird Bishop http://hompi.sogang.ac.kr/anthony/Bird/KoreaandherNeighbors.htm Full Text of "Corea, the Hermit Nation. 1894" by William Elliot Griffis http://www.archive.org/stream/coreahermitnatio00grifuoft/coreahermitnatio00gr... All Japan Kendo Federation's Perspective of Kendo http://www.kendo-fik.org/english-page/english-page2/AJKF-Perspective-of-Kendo... The Haidong Gumdo was sued in South Korea and given a judgement that their story is a mere fabrication. The founders admitted in the court that they made up the story. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haidong_Gumdo World Haidong Gumdo Federation http://www.hdgd.org/ U.S.A. Haidong Gumdo Association http://www.ushaidong.net/ United Kingdom Haidong Gumdo Association http://www.haidonggumdo.co.uk/ European Haidong Gumdo Association http://www.euhaidong.com/ French Haidong Gumdo Association http://www.haidong-gumdo.fr/ PR
Alexander Bennett
International Research Centre for Japanese Studies Introduction Budo is one of Japan’s most significant contributions to the world’s athletic heritage. In fact, I consider budo to be Japan’s most successful cultural export. Wherever you go in the world, even in the remotest towns of the farthest countries, there is a high probability that there will be a ‘dojo’ of some sort in the community. In that dojo you will find the local people barefooted, dressed in Japanese dogi, obeying commands in the Japanese language, bowing the Japanese way, and more often than not, there will be a Japanese flag or a picture of some great Japanese master from the past occupying a prominent part of the dojo. Interestingly, probably not one of the members will have ever been to Japan, and contact with Japanese people will be limited. There will always be some idiosyncrasies stemming from the fact that it is not actually Japan, and there are many aspects which have to be adapted to suit that particular social milieu. Nevertheless, the locals would have been attracted to the study of budo for a number of different reasons: 1. Cultural reasons (in the case of Nikkeijin or newly settled Japanese families in an attempt to keep contact with their Japanese heritage. Also, Japanese exchange students or businessmen, wanting contact in the community, or general interest in Japan by local people.) 2. Combat reasons- (to learn how to fight, self defence skills, armed forces, police etc.) 3. Physical fitness. 4. Mental well-being. (Some people start martial arts training in the hope that they will increase in self-confidence and discipline. This also corresponds with parents who encourage their children to study the martial arts for the same benefits.) 5. As a competitive sport. 6. Pursuit of spiritual development and enlightenment. (There is a significant attraction to the perceived ‘mysterious’ metaphysical attributes of the Eastern martial arts.) 7. Strategy. (Although by no means a driving force now, in the days of Japan’s bubble economy, there were widespread opinions that Japan’s economic and business success was based around management practices stemming from ‘samurai strategy’, prompting small numbers of businessmen to take up martial arts training.) 8. Forced participation by Japanese government or military in WWI and before. (Koreans and Taiwanese as Japanese satellite states, and also a very small number of POWs who were inadvertently learned the arts though being practised upon by Japanese guards or soldiers. Although an extreme minority, there are a number of jujutsu schools in the West whose founders claim to have learned the art through such means.) Recently, a new phenomenon has started to become apparent. One of the most significant contributors to the popularisation of budo in recent years is not only the Japanese, but also the Koreans. There has been a noticeable trend in the appearance of dojang around the world rather than dojo. Dojang is the Korean word for dojo, and where the Japanese left off, the Koreans are taking positive strides to pick up on the basis of most of the reasons I have outlined above. Particularly in regions where Korean immigrants are numerous, yudo dojang are springing up in place of judo dojo, taekwondo provides an attractive alternative to karate for self-defence and has the added bonus of being a competitive Olympic sport, hapkido is Koreanised aikido, and more recently, kumdo is making inroads into the kendo world attracting mainly Korean immigrant children at this stage, but has the potential to change the face of kendo internationally, which will eventually have far reaching consequences even in Japan. This interesting phenomenon of the gradual ‘Koreanisation’ of budo overseas is perceived by the Koreans as the internationalisation of their own Korean martial arts heritage. The Koreans are aggressive in their dissemination, sometimes nationalistic, and often very commercial in their approach, providing attractive packages for their students and instructors alike, not to mention propositions of business partnerships with already existing dojo. What effect could this possibly have on Japanese budo? In this paper I will consider the case example of kendo. The situation concerning the spread of kumdo as opposed to kendo has become particularly conspicuous in Japan recently due to the World Kumdo Association (WKA) inauguration in Korea, and their overtly opposing policies to the current chief international governing body of kendo the Japan based International Kendo Federation (IFK). In particular, the WKA’s mission to turn kendo/kumdo into an Olympic event is something vehemently opposed in traditional Japanese kendo circles. Nevertheless, my findings actually show that although the specialist kendo journals are touting this development as a major concern, the reality is that the situation is not as critical as they advocate, at least at this stage. Still the formation of the WKA has rekindled an old debate concerning the question of ‘strong kendo’ (sports oriented) and ‘correct kendo’ (‘traditional’ and culturally oriented). The Olympics are the apex of the sporting world, but is considered unattractive by many Japan-centric kendoka. However, judging by the status quo of kendo in Japan there are significant contradictions and inconsistency in ideals and reality that must be addressed. In this sense, I consider the kumdo tremors coming from Korea as a ‘Black Ship’, which will provide the impetus for earnest self-reflection of what kendo is to people in the 21st century. Kendo or Kumdo? Many Koreans still remember the brutal Japanese occupation lasting from 1910 until the end of World War II. During this period, Koreans were in many ways forced to disregard their own culture in a process of ‘Japanisation’. The ensuing brutality represented an across-the-board attempt to root out all vestiges of Korean culture, and to forge the nation into the role of a Japanese satellite state. In Japan, kendo and other budo arts were eventually elevated to compulsory subjects in schools(1) and utilised by the fascist government to encourage fighting spirit, instil nationalistic fervour, and nurture pride in Japan’s noble warrior past and the consequential moralistic values based on a Showa reinvention of ‘Bushido’, which was perceived as making Japan unique in the world.(2) As colonies of Japan, the Taiwanese and Korean populace were also ‘encouraged’ to participate in these activities.(3) Koreans took to budo with unexpected enthusiasm, and even when the war ended and the Republic of Korea was established, they maintained a commitment to kendo that persists to this day, evident in the comparatively high level and large population of enthusiasts. (4) However, in many ways the old wounds of the occupation have still not healed, and in a nationwide revisionist stance, Koreans for the most part refuse to entertain the notion that the sport's origins lie in Japan, and instead call it "kumdo", insisting that it originated in Korea.(5) For example, to demonstrate this revisionist mentality, I have quoted the historical information placed on the official homepage of the Korea Kumdo Association.(6) “Our nation boasts a long history and tradition of swordsmanship. In the Koguryo dynasty (?-688) mountain ascetics perfected their technique in sword and other weapons. Similarly, the Paekche kingdom held specialist departments for the manufacture of swords, and there are records suggesting that sword masters were sent to Japan to teach swordsmanship. However, kenjutsu developed greatly during the Silla dynasty (668–935). Where a military academy was established in the capital city of Kyongju and was open to young men of aristocratic birth. Upon completion of their training, these young men were given the title hwarang, meaning Flower Knight. This period was indeed the time when the military arts flourished. One of the most significant contributions to future swordsmen to come form this period was the book Bon Gook Gum Bup (『本国剣法』). This treatise forms the basis for two-handed sword techniques and modern kumdo...The Koryo dynasty (935-1392 AD) inherited the Silla kenjutsu legacy and continued to develop it further. However, during the Chosun dynasty (1392-1910), military arts became disfavoured compared with civil arts, and fell into disarray. On the other hand, during this period, the recipients of our culture in Japan continued to develop the culture of the sword and it began to flourish over there.” The official explanation continues to inform readers that in the middle of the Chosun dynasty, the importance of the military arts was once more recognised through the experience of a number of wars and rebellions. During the Chungjo era (1776-1800) the text Sok Pyungjang Tosul (『武芸図譜通志』) (Revised Illustrated manual of Military training and Tactics) included sword techniques among the twenty-four martial arts recorded, and was adopted in the instruction of military training. From there, the official history proceeds to explain how kenjutsu (gekiken撃剣) was taught at the Korean police academies from 1896, and then from 1904 in the military academies. Also, there is mention of a tournament held between the Korean police and their Japanese counterparts in 1908. In September of the same year, gekiken was also included in the first official national physical education program for the general public. According to the text, the term gekiken was changed to kumdo in 1910, although Japanese records state this as happening in Japan on August 1st 1919. Nevertheless, it is stated that this change in nomenclature helped promote kumdo as a sport with a popular civil following. Similar to trends in Japan, kumdo was also introduced into schools from 1906 (although Japan was in 1911), and was recognised as an official curricular subject in junior high schools in 1927 (again, Japan was 1931.)(8) I have placed the rest of the information found on the official KKA website in a table for easy reference. It is interesting to note that for the most part, development of kumdo in Korea was fairly much in parallel with Japan, although in some cases Korea’s advancements seem to predate Japan.(7) |
Muyedobotongji introduction クムド詐欺 本国剣法 我國練兵之制三軍練于郊,衛士練于禁苑,其禁苑練兵盛自 光廟朝,然止弓矢一技而已,如槍劍法技,既未之聞焉,宣廟既平倭寇,購得戚繼光紀效新書遣訓局郎韓嶠遍質東來將士,就其棍棒等六技作為圖譜。 In our military training system, Sangun三軍 is trained in suburb, Eji衛士 is trained in Kin'en禁苑 and training in Kin'en has been held often. However the only martial art that was trained by Korean soldiers was archery. No spear, no sword arts were practiced. After Japanese invasion, King Sonjo ordered to buy a Chinese martial art book Jin Xiao Shin Shu. King sent Rokan and Hankyo, had them learn the 6 kinds of art included Konbo(stick)from Chinese military officers,and made a illustrated book. 我が国の軍隊訓練制度は、三軍は郊外で、衛士は禁苑で訓練を受けるようになっており、禁苑での訓練は光廟時から盛んに行われた。 しかし訓練は弓を撃つこと一つだけで、槍や剣、その他を扱う方法のようなものはなかった。 宣廟が倭寇を平定したのち、戚継光が書いた《紀効新書》を購入させに訓局の郎官・韓僑を送り、我が国に来た中国将士らをあまねく尋ね歩いて、棍棒など六種類の技芸を扱う方法を学ばせ、それを《図譜》としてお作りになった。 Bonguk Geom 本國劍 (俗稱新劍) (增) 輿地勝覽曰黄倡郞新羅人也。諺傳季七歳入百濟、市中舞劍、觀者如堵。百濟王聞之名觀命昇堂舞劍倡郞、因刺王、國人殺之、羅人哀之、像其容爲假面、作舞劍之、状至今傳之 According to Yochishouran輿地勝覽, Hwang Chang was from Shila. He came to Baekje when he was 7. When he does sword dance舞劍 on the street, audiences surrounded him like a wall. King of Baekje heard about Hwang Chang, invited him and ordered to dance. Hwang Chang stabbed(assassinated) the King. When Hwang Chang was killed(in Baekje), people of Shila were so sad. They made a mask looked like him and did sword dance. The dance has been taught to present. ↑That's all for the Hwang Chang myth 『輿地勝覧』曰く、黄倡郎は新羅人だ。 七歳で百済の市中に入り、剣舞を踊ると見物人が塀のように囲った。 百済王がこの噂を聞き、黄昌を呼んで剣舞を踊れと言った。 黄倡は機会を見て王を刺した。 黄倡が殺されたとき、新羅の人々は悲しんだ。 そこで彼にそっくりな面を作り剣舞を踊った。 その踊りは今に伝わる。 ↑黄倡に関する伝説は以上 (案)黄倡一作黄昌、即新羅所置花郞也。 (中略) 且新羅隣於倭國則其舞劍器、必有相傳之術而不可攷矣。 今因黄倡郞爲本國劍之縁起。 (Suggestion) Hwang Chang must be Hwarang of Shila. ** Shila and Japan were next each other so the dance and the skill must taught to Japan. Now let's make Hwang Chang as origin(founder) of Bonguk geom. (案)黄倡は新羅の花郎に違いない。 (中略) その昔新羅と倭は隣り合っていたので、(新羅から)剣舞と剣技が伝わったはずだ。 今黄倡を本国剣の起源とみなそう。 About Japanese 巻首 技藝質疑 興倭封陳倭輙敢死突進我軍雖有持槍而帯剣者剣不暇出鞘 槍不得交鋒朿手而盡衄於兇刃皆由於習法之不傳故也 When confronting Japanese troops, the Japanese take fearless charge against us and even we have spears and swords, we're dead before drawing swords or wielding spears. 倭軍と対陣すると、倭軍はたちまち死に物狂いで突進してくる。 我が軍は、手に槍を持ち、剣を帯びていても、その剣は鞘を出る暇も無く、 槍は矛先を交えることもできずに、凶刃のもとにやられてしまうのである。 Wae Gum(Japanese sword) 茅元儀曰、日本刀大小長短不同、每人有一長刀、謂之佩刀 上又挿一小刀、以便雑用 (中略) 刀極剛利中国不及 The Japanese swords are made in all lengths and sizes. Every warrior carries a long sword that is called Haito. A small knife that is attached to the long sword is used for various purposes. ** The Japanese sword is so strong and sharp that the Chinese sword cannot equal it. 茅元儀いわく、日本刀には大小長短あらゆるサイズがあり、皆佩刀という長刀を帯びている。 長刀に付いている小刀はいろんな目的に使う。 (中略) 日本刀はとても強くて鋭い、中国の刀でも太刀打ちできない。 倭志曰倭賊勇而懇。不甚別生死毎戦輒赤體提三尺刀舞而前。無能捍者。 According to the Waeji, it is recorded, "The Japanese soldiers are so courageous and stoic that they don’t put importance in life and death. In every war, they march forward and dance naked, holding a three foot long sword in their hands. There is no one who can defend against them." 倭志曰く、日本人は勇敢で冷静、死をなんとも思わない。 戦になると彼らは行進し3尺の刀を持って裸で踊る。 彼らに出会ったらもうおしまいだ。 Jin Xiao Shin Shu 長刀解 此自倭犯中國始有之。彼以此跳舞,光閃而前,我兵已奪氣矣。 倭善躍,一迸足則丈餘,刀長五尺,則丈五尺矣。 我兵短器難接,長器不捷,遭之者身多兩斷。縁器利而雙手使用,力重故也。 今如獨用則無衛,惟鳥銃手賊遠發銃,賊至近身,再無他器可以攻刺,如兼殺器,則銃重藥子又多、勢所不能。 惟此刀輕而且長,可以兼用,以備臨身棄銃用此。 況有殺手當鋒,故用長刀備之耳。 This is what I found out when Japanese invaded Ming. They jumped like dancing, charged foward like lightening. Only what our soldiers could do was frightend. Japanese bounded well, they jumped 3m in a moment. They could attack us even there was 4.5m distance because the length of Japanese sword was 1.5m. It's hard for our sword to go closer, spear is too slow, they get slashed once they saw Japanese. The Japanese swords are sharp and they have full command of the heavy swords. But we aren't just scared. Shooting from distance is effective against Japanese. But Japanese charge and attack without fear. They can get us while we are loading masket. There is no way to stop them. The way Japanese use sword is fast, our gunners are lumbering. Our sword isn't efficient to act fast after abandoning masket. Therefore we should have the same Japanese sword. これは日本のサムライが明に攻めて来た時に初めてわかったことである。 彼らは舞うように跳び回り、前方への突進は光が閃くようで我ら明の兵は恐れおののくのみだった。 日本人はよく躍動し、一息で一丈(約3m)も飛び込んできて、 刀の長さは五尺なので一丈五尺の間隔があっても攻撃される。 我が兵の剣では近づき難く、槍では遅すぎて、(サムライと)遭遇すれば皆両断されて殺される。 これは彼らの武器が鋭利であり、両手で振れる強力で重い刀を自在に用いているためである。 こちらもただやられてばかりではない。武士には遠くからの鳥銃が有効である。 だが武士は全く臆せず攻めたり刺したりできる至近まで突っ込んでくる。 兼ねてよりこの銃手が弾を込める間に時間を取られて接近を許すことが多い。 その勢いを止められない。 武士の刀捌きは軽くて長く接近を許した後の我が軍の銃手の動きは鈍重すぎる。 われわれの剣は銃を捨てて即座に対応するための有効な武器ではないのだ。 それゆえ我々も日本式の長い刀を備えるべきだ。 (和訳ではサムライとなっているけど倭寇のことかもしれないので念のため英訳では日本人にしています。) |
This is a memo about the Uriginalist.
He shows tiypical Korean reaction when their Uriginal was exposed. Please enjoy his Hwabyung. DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 DJFEUDINGSTATE511 |
gingerbeardbastard 2 日前 Ma Han took the eastern part? of its territory and gave it to them, because they are Qin people, they are also called Qin Han. Their language and words used to describe things are similar to the Chinese...their writing, armament, are the same as China's." Why dont korean nationalist bring their own historical source up? # gingerbeardbastard 2 日前 According to Beizhi and Samguk Sagi, using korean logic of race? = history, koreans are chinese too "新罗者,其先本辰韩种也。地在高丽东南,居汉时乐浪地。辰韩亦 "Silla came from Zhen Han. Its southeast of Koguryo, belonging to the Lelang prefecture during Han. Zhen Han is also known as Qin Han. According to a common saying, after Qin fell, many people came as refugees. Cont.. # gingerbeardbastard 3 日前 to quote what says after the "one family sentence" that says Bohai were seven tribes of Wuji. Korean nationalist only reacts to what suits their nationalistic conclusions. But what's funny is the book of? Jin(金史) on the FIRST sentences that say "Ancestors of Jin are Mohe" . Koreans ignore this when they distorted the Book of jin by saying Jin's ruling family was korean. I dont trust heh scholarship of korea # sikanosukeyamanaka 3 日前 @gingerbeardbastard this is their weapon,「欽定滿洲源流考」 謹按金始祖本從新羅來號完顔氏所部稱完顔部新羅王金姓則金之逺派 gingerbeardbastard 2 日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka But the first sentence of 欽定滿洲源流考 上諭頃閲金史世紀雲金始祖居完顔部其地有白山黒水白山即長白山黒?水即黒龍江本朝肇興東土山川鍾毓與大金正同史又稱金之先出靺鞨部?古肅慎地 Wanyan Hanpu did travel to Koryo, but Wanyan Aguda didnt. let's look at this source: "金朝開國皇帝。漢名旻。女真名阿骨打。按出虎水(今黑龍江哈爾 ¬濱東南阿什河)女真完顏部人。"金太祖完顏旻 written by a Jin general who married jin princess.“Jin first emperor called, han name is Min. Jurchen Aguda, from tiger water( today’s? Heilungjiang) is jurchen wanyen clansman.” Korean nationalist ignored this source # sikanosukeyamanaka 2 日前 @gingerbeardbastard how? do you think about this from 金史? 「金之始祖諱函普,初從高麗來,年已六十餘矣。」 # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka One must read the whole section in order to? see what it means, that is why Korean nationalist distorted the book of Jin. Korean nationalist loves to ignore the first sentences. . FIRST sentence of the book of Jin 金之先,出靺鞨氏。靺鞨本號勿吉。金史 Ancestor of Jin originate from Mohe Tribe. Also, Wanyan Hanpu DID go to Koryo. But it did not state he was Korean. Also it was Wanyan Aguda who establish Jin dynasty. Another Source written by Jin dynasty that say Wanyan clan is jurchen # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka According to this source, Ancestor of Jin, Wanyan Min (refer to Wanyan Aguda) Wanyan Min is the Han name. 金朝開國皇帝。漢名旻。女真名阿骨打。按出虎水(今黑龍江哈爾¬?¬-濱東南阿什河)女真完顏部人- 金太祖完顏旻 "First emperor of Jin dynasty, Han name Min. Jurchen Name Aguda. From? tiger water (Today’s heilungjiang) is a Jurchen Wanyan Clansman" Note that this source is written by a Jin dynasty general who married the Jin princess. This is clear enough, i dont know why korean nationalists ignored this source. # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka 史又稱金之先出靺鞨部 金史 Jin Ancestors are from Mohe Tribe In fact, if you read Book of Jin is very clear. I can post the whole section that includes the claim that Hanpu is "korean", you? will see why it is distorted. # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka Entire? passage of 金之先,出靺鞨氏。靺鞨本号勿吉。勿吉,古肃慎地也。元魏时,勿 # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @gingerbeardbastard Translated: "The Mohe are the ancestors of the Jin. the? Mohe were called Wuji, the Wuji lived on the land of the Sushen people. There are seven Wuji tribes: Sumo, Boduo, Anchegu, Funie, Haoshi, Heishui, Baishan. During the early Tang dynasty, the Sumo Mohe was a vassal of Koguryo and surnamed 'Da'. Tang destroyed Koguryo, and the Sumo Mohe retreated to the to eastern mountains and estabilishes the state of Bohai, calling itself king and has writing, music cont.. # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @gingerbeardbastard , established five capitals, five governments, sixteen provinces. The Heishui (Blackwater) Mohe were also vassals of Koguryo and sent 150,000 troops to aid Koguryo against the Tang, but they were defeated at Anshi. During the Five dynasties period? the Khitans destroyed Bohai, and the Heishui Mohe became a vassals of the Khitans. The southern ones became citizens of Liao [the Khitan state] and were known as "cooked" [meaning assimilated] Jurchen cont.. # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @gingerbeardbastard while the northern ones were not citizens of Liao and thus were called? "raw" [unassimilated] Jurchens. The "raw" Jurchen lived between the Heilongjiang River and Changbai Mountains, and so were called 'white mountain, black water.' The ancestor of Jin, Hanpu 60 years old came from Koryo. His older brother Agunai was interested in Buddhism and thus did not come with him and remained in Koryo. cont.. on next paragraph # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka 始祖居完 ?部仆干水之涯,保活里居耶?。其后胡十?以曷???太祖,自言?其祖兄弟三 人相?而去,盖自?阿古乃之后。石土?、迪古乃,保活里之裔也。?及太祖??? 兵于境上,?耶律?十,乃使梁福、斡荅刺招?渤海人曰:“女直、?渤海本同一 家。”盖其初皆勿吉之七部也。 # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @gingerbeardbastard Their decendants were Shitumen and Digunai. When Taizhu [Wanyan Aguda] defeated Liao, Wodaci proclaimed to Bohai people "Bohai, Jurchen were originally one family" both were from seven tribes of Wuji." The passage is very clear, it gives? the clear ethnic history of the Jurchen, which korean nationalists didnt mention. Also, the passage doesnt state his ethnicity, Hanpu could be a buddist name but his brother Agunai is clearly nomadic. Not korean # gingerbeardbastard 1日前 @sikanosukeyamanaka Also the book of Jin stated Bohai was Jurchen, establish by Sumo Mohe which was? a vassal of Koyoryo. Only korean nationalist fabricated Bohai was korean race. Its a lie and they did not quote that part of the Book of Jin because they wanted to hide their inferiority complex of the "korean race" # gingerbeardbastard 3 日前 Haoshi, Heishui, Baishan." So Wuji = Mohe (Mohe are juchen) 蓋自謂阿古乃之後。石土門、迪古乃,保活里之裔也。及太祖敗遼兵?於境上,獲耶律謝十,乃使梁福、斡荅刺招諭渤海人曰:「女直、渤?海本同一家。」蓋其初皆勿吉之七部也。 Their decendants were Shitumen and Digunai. When Taizhu [Wanyan Aguda] defeated Liao, Wodaci proclaimed to Bohai people "Bohai, Jurchen were originally one family" both were from seven tribes of Wuji." So Bohai = Wuji. If you look at wikipedia it stated Bohai? was korean race, and it only quoted "bohai, jurchen were originally same faily" but refuse cont. # gingerbeardbastard 3 日前 Very informative, i also i wanted to back up with the Book of Jin wrote what Bohai, Korean nationalist distorted the book of jin saying Jin dynasty are korean because Bohai was korean race: Well here is the book of Jin, Chapter 1 金之先,出靺鞨氏。靺鞨本号勿吉。勿吉,古?慎地也。元魏?,勿?吉有七 部:曰粟末部、曰伯咄部、曰安?骨部、曰拂涅部、曰号室部、曰黑?水部、曰白 山部。隋称靺鞨,而七部并同。 Translate: The Mohe are the ancestors of the Jin. the Mohe were called Wuji, the Wuji lived on the land of the? Sushen people. There are seven Wuji tribes: Sumo, Boduo, Anchegu, Funie.. # gingerbeardbastard 3 日前 @BuffonMusa Koguryo's first king, Jumong was born in today's manchuria, he wasnt born in the korean peninsular. It is ok to say Kogoryo was part of? korean history. But to say Kogoryo was korean race is just absurd. Did the British say Saxons are British race in order to be british history? Or did India have to say Mughal are indians in order to be indian history? no That's why koreans lie in order to satisfy their racial superiority orgasm in order to hide the inferiority complex. |
Korean american association of greater new york http://www.nykorean.org/board/focus/c... cache http://s02.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-082... 2008 Korean Parade 이세목 뉴욕한인회장은 지난해 한국 전통 어가행렬과 취타대 행진에 이어 세계 최 초의 철갑선인 거북선 모형을 선보이는 것은 한국인의 자긍심과 우수성을 세계에 알 리는 뜻 깊은 의미가 있다며 Yahoo Korea News http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news... cache http://s03.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-082... 27 일 코리안 퍼레이드에 참가하는 맥 부국장은 많은 한인들이 공직에 진출해 한인들의 위상을 올려주니 자랑스럽다며 한국인의 우수성과 자랑스러운 한국문화를 널리 알렸으면 좋겠다는 소망을 밝혔다. Findchicago.com Korean American portal community http://www.findchicago.com/life/life_... cache http://s04.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-082... 한 인들은 근면, 성실을 밑천으로 하여 오늘날과 같은 발전을 이룩하면서 명실 공히 소수민족으로서 주류사회로부터 각광받는 우수 민족이라 인정받게 되었다. Joonang Ilbo 中央日報 http://japanese.joins.com/article/art... cache http://s01.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-082... Yonsei university summer sesshion 延世大イ・ジョンフン国際交流院長は「多様な講義を通じて全世界に韓国文化の優秀性を NAVER News http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?m... (The site bans taking cache) Andre Kim fashion show 앙드레김은 1994년 중국 베이징에서 한·중 수교 1주년 기념 패션쇼를 연 이래 십여 차례의 중국 현지 패션쇼를 통해, 우리 패션과 문화의 우수성을 전 세계에 알려왔다며 이번 패션쇼는 베이징올림픽을 축하하고, 동양적이고 전통적인 한국과 중국의 미를 발산하는데 중점을 뒀다고 밝혔다. Real Korea http://www.hani.co.kr/section-0051001... cache http://s01.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-103... The Super Race, shading the fame. '우수민족' 명성 빛바래 고려인은 `2류민족'으로 전락하는 걸까. 옛소련 시절 고려인은 남다른 교육열과 성실성으로 여러 민족 중 최상위를 점하는 우수민족이었다. 통계에 따르면 유태인과 그루지아인에 이어 세번째로 교육열이 높았다. 이제 그 말은 자칫 빛바랜 과거사로 남게 될지도 모른다. Christian today http://www.christiantoday.co.kr/view.... cache http://s02.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-103... Korean racial superiority to the world. 2008 할렐루피아 대회 한민족의 우수성을 세계로 컬쳐피아 분야에서는 한국전통 문화축제와 음식축제를 열어 한민족의 우수한 전통문화를 계승 발전시키고, 세계화를 목표로 하고 있다. Mudosan Enviroment University http://goobagsa.com.ne.kr/09-08-07mtg... cache http://s03.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-104... 우 리 한국인은 세계에서 가장 우수한 민족이므로 장래는 반드시 밝은 민족이라는데 자부심을 가지라. dongponews http://www.dongponews.net/news/articl... cache http://s04.megalodon.jp/2009-0112-104... Korean president of the USA within 30 years 30년내 미국서 한인대통령 나온다" |
"The New York Time Archives Why Korea Possesses No Bicycles. From The London Express. June 4, 1904, Saturday Page 8, 117 words http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract..." |
Original text
세계최초 비행기 발명국은 우리나라 일본 사기史記 비차飛車존재 기록, 발명가 정평구 설화통해 행적남긴 기인 우리가 사는 어느 땅이든 역사가 없는 곳은 없다. 흔적이 남아 있는 곳도 있지만 대부분은 현재만이 존재한다. 그래서일까 우리는 자신이 살고 있는 곳의 역사에는 무심하다. 유적이나 유물로서 역사를 더듬는 것이 전부라고 해도 과언이 아니다. 그러나 보이지 않지만 이 땅 어느 곳에도 우리 조상의 숨결이 서려있지 않은 곳은 없다. 비록 역사책에 기록되지 않았지만 수많은 사건들과 인물들이 전설이 되고 설화로 꾸며져 전해진다. 우리나라 최고의 수리시설인 벽골제 옆에 위치한 김제시 부량면 제월리堤月里. 벽골제를 지난 부량면 소재지 중간쯤에 나있는 우측 도로를 따라 들어가 만나는 첫 번째 동네다. 이 마을에는 벽골제에 비친 달이 보이는 마을이라 해서 제월堤月이라 했다는 설과 벽골제의 물이 넘어가는 언덕이라는 뜻으로 제월堤越이라 했다는 유래가 전한다. 1789년 호구수를 조사 기록한 '호구총수戶口總數'에는 제월堤越로 기록돼 있으며 1914년 행정구역 개편시 제월堤月로 적기 시작했다는 주장도 제기되고 있다. 이 마을은 놀랍게도 조선 선조宣祖시대 인물로 세계 최초로 비행기를 발명한 것으로 전해지는 정평구鄭平九가 태어난 곳으로 그를 주인공으로 한 수많은 설화와 일화가 전해오고 있다. 아직까지는 학술적인 연구와 고증작업이 미흡한 상태지만 김제지역 향토사학자들은 미국의 라이트 형제보다 300년이나 앞선 조선시대에 이 마을 출신인 정평구가 세계 최초의 비행기인 비차飛車를 발명했다는 기록을 정설로 받아들이고 있다. 실제 비행기의 구조나 원리 등이 구체적인 사료史料가 전해지지 않아 정사正史에서 다소 비켜서 있으나 임진왜란 당시 정평구에 의해 비행기가 발명돼 전투에 사용했다는 기록은 여러 서적과 자료에서 발견됐다. http://www.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/View/... Lee Sunshin was scientist 하늘을 나는 비차 - 비차는 조선시대에 발명된, 비행기처럼 하늘을 나는 기계를 말합니다. 우리가 미국의 라이트 형제보다도 무려 300년 이상 앞서 비행기를 발명한 셈이지요. 비차를 발명한 정평구는 진주성 싸움에 참여하여 군사의 식량보급과 군사연락용으로 사용했다고 합니다. 비차의 출현으로 일본군들이 전투에서 꽤나 곤욕을 치렀다고 하네요. http://book-shop.dnshop.com/Product/K... If you want to know how much the story is believed in Korea, please google "비차 정평구"(Pigeo Chong Pyon-gu)" |
"우리민족이 아즈텍·잉카문명 세웠다"
배재대 손성태(孫成泰·43) 스페인어·중남미학과 교수는 21일 경기도 파주 출판단지에서 열린 국어학회 겨울학술대회에서 중남미 고대어에 나타난 우리말 흔적―아즈텍 문명과 잉카 문명은 우리 조상의 것이었다는 논문을 통해 이같이 주장했다. http://www.chosun.com/site/data/html_... cache http://s02.megalodon.jp/2008-1106-150..." |