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【2025/03/26 23:43 】 |
Hapkido : Choi Yong Sool didn't learn from Sokaku.
Korean paper Joong Ang Ilbo provoked Hapkido issue again.

Title "Is Hapkido a Japanese martial art? Knower doesn't think so"


"Hapkido is one of popular martial arts in Korea but has many disputes because Hapkido and Aikido are in same chinese characters, founder Choi Yong Sool first learnt Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu from Takeda Sokaku so people recognize Hapkido is a Japanese martial art."

"So many different associations and each Hapkido dojo teaches different techniques, many disciples open new dojo just after learning a few months. "

"Researcher Lee Ho Cheol says : Hapkido is strictly Korean culture. People should recognize its superiority rather than pointing out the bad side."

"Indonesia and Malaysia do not dispute origin of Silat."

"Choi learnt Daito-ryu from Sokaku with Ueshiba Morihei. Ueshiba started Aikido, Choi started Hapkido."

"There is a theory that Daito-ryu was originated in Three Kindoms era Korea."

"Some people suggest to change name but Hapkido is already well known name world wide and origin dispute exists only in Korea."

The purpose of the article is that Hapkido was from Aiki Jujutsu but Korean added kickings'n stuffs so now it's Korean martial art. (Same theory as TKD)
The article sounds like it's wasting to dispute origin of Hapkido but never forget to insert it  originated in Three Kingdoms hoax. 
Such a theory exists only among Korean ethno centrists.

Another hoax in the article is Choi learnt from Sokaku.
As I said on "Verification of Hapkido History" video, there's no trace that Choi was Sokaku's pupil. Sokaku didn't own a dojo, he taught to people who paid and invited him.
Sokaku left the record and Choi wasn't listed.

So who was his teacher?
According to this researcher (The site has been closed) it was Yoshida Kotaro.(Sokaku's pupil)
Richard Kim who was also Yoshida's pupil, testimonized that Choi was one of Yoshida's pupils.

Yoshida was a member of Black Dragon Society.
It seems that the political group had some connections to Korea, they supported Lee Yong Gu a Korean political activist known to be pro-Japan.
Mas Oyama was Yoshida's pupil also.
Probably Choi wanted to hide his relation to the Black Dragon Society due to furious Anti-Japan sentiment in Korea.

The researcher was a writer for Japanese martial art magazine Hiden.
I have contacted to him recently.
【2017/11/02 09:58 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
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