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【2025/03/30 00:07 】 |



【2017/09/22 14:51 】 | 戸隠流 | 有り難いご意見(0)
The Watanabe Documents

The Watanabe Documents(150 pages) was discovered in 2000. Koka city has researched the documents since last year and they released some info.

According to Sankei's report, the documents contain exprosive's recipe, instructions for Musket and horseback riding, and some occult arts.

During Edo period, they were hired as "Oshinobi-yaku" by Owari Tokugawa clan.
"Oshinobi-yaku" was like part time job, they were called only needed.
Otherwise, they were living as common farmer.

Nikkei's report says, Oshinobi-yaku was secret contract.
They found 10 written pledges of keeping it secret from family and friends between 1700 ~ 1829.

It seems the Ninjutsu documents were only 17 pages(include the pledges?) 
Koka city is going to publish the documents.

【2017/05/20 12:49 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)
非常勤の“在宅忍者”は勉強熱心だった のろしや鉄砲、火薬の技術も詳細に記載…甲賀の忍術を記した「渡辺家文書」
2017.4.30 21:04


【2017/05/20 11:59 】 | 歴史の中の忍者 | 有り難いご意見(1)
A Special Exhibition "The NINJA - who were they?"

【2016/07/08 10:59 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
朝鮮宮廷の真髄は、王が時折、威風堂々とソウルの街を通って視察や御陵に渡御する行事で見られた。朝早くから兵士たちが街を警備したが、このような軍隊は世界のどこにも見られない奇妙な姿をしていた。道に列を作っている歩兵は大半が地面に横たわって寝ており、人の数より多くの旗を持っていた。彼らの旧式銃は、鉄製の杵・引き金・金属板がないものが大半であり、あったとしても縄でそれらを縛っているだけだった。銃剣は曲がっており、錆が生じていた。 歩兵よりもさらに驚くべきは、騎兵隊であった。彼らは300年前のような古い制服を着ていたが、壊れた兜と槍、厚い皮のベストの上に青銅の飾りをした黒い革の鎧、そして虫に食われたような服などを着ていた。

原文は1894年に出版された Problems of the Far East: Japan - Korea - China という本で、作者はジョージ・ナサニエル・カーソン、

【2016/06/27 13:34 】 | 朝鮮史関連 | 有り難いご意見(0)
Korean military in 1894
This is my scrap booking for Korean martial arts research.

Problems of the Far East: Japan - Korea - China 1894
George Nathaniel Curzon

The true comicality, however, of the Korean by military, of a species unique in the world.
The infantry lined the roadway, and were for the most part lying asleep upon the ground.
They had almost as many flags as men; and their muskets, which I examined as they stood piled together, were commonly destitute either of hammer, trigger, or plate, sometimes of all three, and were frequently only held together by string ; while the bayonets were bent and rusty.

Infinitely more remarkable, however, were the cavalry. These were clad in uniforms probably some 300 years old, consisting of a battered helmet with a spike, and of a cuirass of black leather studded with brass bosses, and worn over a heavy jerkin of moth-eaten brocade.

Enormous jack-boots completed the costume, and rendered it difficult for the men to mount their steeds, even although these were rarely more than eleven hands high. Banners of yellow, red, and green, with a tuft of pheasant-feathers at the top, and stacks of arrows, were carried in front of the officers, who were with difficulty supported by squires upon their pyramidal saddles. The middle of the roadway was supposed to be kept clear, and was strewn with a riband of sand, about a foot and a half in breadth ; but this was trampled upon and scattered almost as soon as sprinkled.

Throughout the morning processions of ministers, courtiers, and officials passed along on their way to or from the Palace. The majority of these were borne by shouting retainers in open chairs, on the back of which rested a leopard-skin. In some cases the sedan was also supported by a single leg underneath, terminating in a wheel, which ran along the middle of the roadway, easing the burden and increasing the pace of the bearers in front and behind.
Some of the officials wore gilt helmets of pasteboard, with Chinese characters upon the back. The Chinese Resident, the principal personage in the city, as representing the suzerain power, dashed past in a black velvet sedan, swiftly borne by stalwart Celestials with red tassels.
Upon either side of the street the white-robed crowd were pressed back against the house-fronts, and were prodded by the soldiers with their muskets, or spanked by active runners, who laid about them liberally with long wooden paddles.
On the occasion of the previous procession the mob had been suffered to approach too nearly to the person of royalty ; and a notification had in consequence appeared in the Official Gazette, docking the Minister of War of three months' salary for his faulty arrangements.
【2016/06/27 12:58 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Oniwaban Kawamura Nagataka

Quotes from this book

【2016/06/27 11:16 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Historical Ninja researcher Isoda Michifumi on Pod Cast



"This is an old Ninjutsu scroll sold in 8000 Yen. I thought Ninja chain maile was made with iron but this scroll says warp thread is hemp, weft thread is egg plant tree. This is strong enough to block sword and spear. I don't think it blocks spear but probably it prevents sword slashing."

"Ninja scroll usually contains 'no way' technics. For example this says put yam juice around your nose when you are in water then you can breathe. Or write Manji shape on your chest then you won't get drowned."

"Jingu Baseball Stadium (Shibuya) used to be residents for Koka-kumi. There was shooting range."
【2016/06/27 11:14 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)

小松重男著『幕末遠国奉行の日記 御庭番川村修就(ながたか)の生涯』(中公新書)という本から、御庭番の仕事の内容が伺われる記述を抜粋。

【2016/05/02 11:52 】 | 歴史の中の忍者 | 有り難いご意見(0)
【2016/04/20 10:18 】 | ウリジナル | 有り難いご意見(0)
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