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【2024/12/21 20:07 】 |
Kukai related temple taken over by Moonies
If you don't remember what "Kukai" is, please watch my video "Kukai response and a question to the Korean blood supremacism "

The temple is called Dainichi-ji, one of Shikoku Pilgrimage temples.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage (The 13th is Dainichi-ji)

"a multi-site pilgrimage of 88 temples associated with the Buddhist monk Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi) on the island of Shikoku, Japan. "

1995, a Korean dancer Kim Myoseon visited the temple and she gave birth a boy of the temple master in 1996.

【2014/05/24 11:30 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Uriginal found in PyeongChang 2018 Olympics Promotion Video
PyeongChang 2018 Olympics Promotion Video shows Japanese Sushi as a Korean food.
Purpose of Uriginal
1. Promoting Korea by using popular Japanese culture.

-Chinese angry at PyeongChang Olympics promotion video shown in Sochi.
"They stole Chinese stuffs again"
【2014/05/01 08:06 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
New Martial Arts Fantasy from Korea. Korea Defeated Qin-China?

Original article


‘본국검예’ 저자 임성묵 씨는 “조선세법의 비밀을 밝혀보니 선조의 기상이 담겨 있었다. 중국과 일본 무도에 찌든 검도계의 왜곡을 바로잡고 싶다”고말했다. 행복에너지 제공

本国剣芸 著者イムソングムックさんは “朝鮮税法の秘密を明らかにして見たら先祖の気象が盛られていた. 中国と日本武道に垢じみた剣道係の歪曲を直したい”

Author says " As I clarified the secret of Choson Sebup, there was spirit of our ancestors. I want to correct filthy Chinese and Japanese Kendo."

“중국은 우리 고유의 무경(武經)인 조선세법(朝鮮勢法)이 탐나 중국 무예를 조선이 기록한 책이라며 억지 주장을 펼칩니다. 이번 책 출간으로 고조선 시대부터 시작됐으나 잇따른 외세 침탈로 끊어진 무맥을 연결했으니 한민족이 무예 종주국임을 입증했습니다.”


Chinese are jealous of Korean own sword art Choson Sebup so they insist Choson sebup was originally from China.
I proved the art was succeeded from ancient Korean period but broken up by foreign invaders and Korea was the master country of martial arts in this book.
【2013/09/25 01:57 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Uriginal : Did Tea Ceremony Exist in Korea?

There is a despute whether Korea had tea ceremony in their history.
The answer is "Yes" but the modern Korean tea ceremonies we see today are heavily influenced by Japanese culture. Especially Korean "Dado" is total fabrication, it's a copy of Japanese "Sado" Korea didn't have custom to drink Matcha.

This picture is Dado.
You see it is changing.
Typical Uriginal process just like Taekwondo or Gumdo.

In early time of Uriginalizing tea ceremony, Koreans were struggling to sophisticate it.
They even prepared toilet tissue.

This is recent Korean tea ceremony video.
The tea is not Matcha but Sencha, and her motion is quite influenced by Japanese tea ceremony.

This is old picture of Korean men drinking tea.
The little girl is Gisaeng.
Noble class never take manual labor due to Confucianism.
Serving tea was servant's job.

You see big differences between above video and this picture.
It was not really "ceremony".

So what was historical Korean tea ceremony like?
Let's check historical record.

【2013/09/14 02:49 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Mongol and Korean Horseback Performance and Horseback Archery was originated in Korea?

The Korean article says this is Muye=martial art but I am not sure how this is effective in war.

Mongol. It seems they perform it for entertainment purpose.

According to Mindan which is the biggest Korean community in Japan claims Horseback Archery was originated in Korea.

【2013/08/12 01:12 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
New Koreation - Kumyedo

They use sword that is so similar to Samurai sword as usual and they wear costume that is so similar to Japanese as usual then claim it's Korean tradition as usual.

【2013/05/15 08:25 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
More Korean swordmanship from Joseon period
朝鮮王朝実録 1594-9-1
“堂下武臣等, 釰槍被抄, 今已數月, 無一人留心肄習”
Some lower military officers were chosen to learn sword /spear method, it has been a few months but none of them tried to practice seriously.

【2012/08/11 12:02 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Can you distinguish Japan and Korea? Part3 & New test
【2012/03/27 13:07 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
True Tae Kwon Do history shocked Korea

'The Shocking Confession from Taekwondo's Past by Chong Woo Lee, the Vice-President of Kukkiwon
이종우 국기원 부원장의 ‘태권도 과거’충격적 고백!

―부원장께서 무예를 처음 접한 건 언제입니까.

“해방 직후죠. 사춘기의 꿈이라고 할까. 17세 무렵 막연하게 무림의 고수를 꿈꾸고 있었는데, 어떤 사람이 소공동에 가면 18계를 가르치는 곳이 있다고 하잖아. 그래서 거기를 찾아갔죠. 그곳이 바로 일제시대 유도 도장이었는데, 그때는 조선연무관이라는 간판을 내걸고 유도부와 권법부를 만들었어요. 그때부터 권법부에서 가라테를 배운 거죠. 권법이 바로 일본 가라테거든요. 일본말로 부르면 국민감정도 있고 하니까 권법이라고 부른 겁니다.”

―‘장군의 아들’이나 ‘시라소니’ 같은 영화를 보면, 광복 직후의 주먹들이 많이 나옵니다. 그 사람들도 가라테를 배웠나요.

“내가 알기로 깡패 중에 가라테를 제대로 배운 놈은 없어요. 그냥 떼거지로 몰려다니면서 몽둥이로 때리니까 강해 보였던 거지, 진짜 실력으로 붙었으면 김두환이고 시라소니고 형편없었을 걸. 운동으로 성공하지 못한 ‘쪼다’들이 주먹계에 들어간 경우는 간혹 있었고.”

―당시 가라테는 당수(唐手)로 불렸죠.

“당수(唐手)로 쓰는 사람도 있고 공수(空手)라고 쓰는 사람도 있었죠. 당수나 공수를 일본말로 옮기면 가라테가 되거든. 모두 같은 내용인데 도장별로 특색 있게 보이기 위해 권법이다 당수도다 공수도다 그렇게 불렀어요.”


"解放直後ですよ. 思春期の夢だと言おうか. 17三頃漠然と武林の固守を夢見ていたが, どんな人が小公洞へ行けば 18係を教える所があると言うんじゃないの. それでそこを尋ねたんです. その所がすぐ日帝時代柔道道場だったが, あの時は朝鮮演武館という看板を掲げて柔道部と拳法部を作りました. あの時から拳法部で空手を学んだのです. 拳法がすぐ日本空手ですよ. 日本語と呼べば国民感情もあってするから拳法だと呼んだんです."

―'将軍の息子'や 'シラソニ' のような映画を見れば, 光復直後の拳たちがたくさん出ます. その人々も空手を学びましたか.

"私が分かることにやくざの中に空手をまともに学んだ奴はないです. そのままテゴジで群がって歩きまわりながら棒で殴るから強く見えた乞食, 本当の実力で付いたらギムドファンでシラソニでむちゃくちゃだっただろう. 運動で成功することができなかった '啄む'らが拳係に入った場合はたまにあったし."


"党首(唐手)で使う人もいて空手(空手)と書く人もいたんです. 党首や空手を日本語で移せば空手になるよ. 皆同じ内容なのに道場別で特色あるように見えるために拳法だ党首島だ空手島だそんなに一杯だったです."
【2012/02/03 12:13 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
True origin of Haidong Gumdo was a TV drama
無風地帯 Mupung Jidae
【2012/01/30 12:35 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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