Started to respond to Youtube Ninjer Chosonninja.
Now blogging for my Ninja history research and Korean Uriginal propaganda research.
1995, a Korean dancer Kim Myoseon visited the temple and she gave birth a boy of the temple master in 1996.
http://ninjer.blog.shinobi.jp/uriginal%20issue/kukai%20related%20temple%20takenKukai related temple taken over by Moonies
The temple master suddenly died in 2007 then she took over the position.
Since then, there's strange Koreanization has been spotted around Shikoku.
This is Pilgrimage route guide sticker in Hangul, pasted everywhere in Shikoku without permission. (The sticker says "Korea" though Shikoku is Japan)
This picture is from Korean cult "Unification Church" site, She performed dance as a representive of Buddhists to praise Moon Sun Myung.
This person on twitter, made a call to the temple says a Korean woman answered the phone told this phone was recording and she was accompanied with police.
Anonymous Tokushima city local person posted on this blog, says Unification church members and Kim often get together.
Something weird is going on.
Once Chosunninja tried to Koreanize Kukai. Do Moonies have the same agenda?
Kukai is one of most respected monks in Japanese history.
So if they can Koreanize Kukai, that'll make them feel superior?
Christian Today: 6,500 Japanese women missing in South Korea
Christian Today reports that United Church of Christ in Japan has requested South Korean counterpart to search for 6,500 missing Japanese women who participated in mass wedding ceremonies held by Unification Church in South Korea. Both have agreed to exchange information on their whereabouts and have established consultation desks.
Le rapport d'aujourd'hui chrétiennes qui Eglise unie du Christ au Japon a demandé homologue sud-coréen à la recherche de 6.500 disparus femmes japonaises qui ont participé à des cérémonies de mariage de masse organisées par Eglise de l'Unification en Corée du Sud. Tous deux ont convenu d'échanger des informations sur leurs allées et venues et ont créé des bureaux de consultation.
Informes cristianos de hoy que la Iglesia Unida de Cristo en Japón ha solicitado homólogo de Corea del Sur en busca de desaparecidos 6.500 mujeres japonesas que participaron en las ceremonias de boda masiva en poder de la Iglesia de Unificación de Corea del Sur. Ambos han acordado intercambiar información sobre su paradero y se han establecido mesas de consulta.
News source: http://www.christiantoday.co.jp/article.html?id=2848
- See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KkoY3XnNxHMJ:yokohamated.typepad.jp/blog/2012/09/christian-today-reports-that-united-church-of-christ-in-japan-has-requested-south-korean-counterpart-to-search-for-6500-miss.html+&cd=3&hl=ja&ct=clnk&gl=jp&client=firefox-a#sthash.m4xIxSST.dpuf
Christian Today reports that United Church of Christ in Japan has requested South Korean counterpart to search for 6,500 missing Japanese women who participated in mass wedding ceremonies held by Unification Church in South Korea. http://www.christiantoday.co.jp/articles/8957/20060123/news.htm
Christian Today: 6,500 Japanese women missing in South Korea
Christian Today reports that United Church of Christ in Japan has requested South Korean counterpart to search for 6,500 missing Japanese women who participated in mass wedding ceremonies held by Unification Church in South Korea. Both have agreed to exchange information on their whereabouts and have established consultation desks.
Le rapport d'aujourd'hui chrétiennes qui Eglise unie du Christ au Japon a demandé homologue sud-coréen à la recherche de 6.500 disparus femmes japonaises qui ont participé à des cérémonies de mariage de masse organisées par Eglise de l'Unification en Corée du Sud. Tous deux ont convenu d'échanger des informations sur leurs allées et venues et ont créé des bureaux de consultation.
Informes cristianos de hoy que la Iglesia Unida de Cristo en Japón ha solicitado homólogo de Corea del Sur en busca de desaparecidos 6.500 mujeres japonesas que participaron en las ceremonias de boda masiva en poder de la Iglesia de Unificación de Corea del Sur. Ambos han acordado intercambiar información sobre su paradero y se han establecido mesas de consulta.
News source: http://www.christiantoday.co.jp/article.html?id=2848
- See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KkoY3XnNxHMJ:yokohamated.typepad.jp/blog/2012/09/christian-today-reports-that-united-church-of-christ-in-japan-has-requested-south-korean-counterpart-to-search-for-6500-miss.html+&cd=3&hl=ja&ct=clnk&gl=jp&client=firefox-a#sthash.m4xIxSST.dpuf