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(1764-01-28 Kyoto) 토지가 기름 져서 전답이 매우 좋네. 이십리 실상사가 삼사상 조복할 때 나는 내리쟎고, 왜성으로 바로 가니, 인민이 부려하기 대판(오사카)만은 못하여도 서에서 동에 가기 삼십리라 하는 구나 관사는 본룡사요, 오층 문루 위에 열 아문 구리 기둥 운소에 닿았구나. 수석도 기절하고, 죽수도 유취있네. 애황이 사는 데라 사치가 측량 없다. 산형이 웅장하고 수세도 환포하여 옥야 천리 생겼으니, 아깝고 애닳을 손 이리 좋은 천부금탕 왜 놈의 기물되어 칭제 칭왕하며 전자 전손 하니 개돝같은 비린 유를 다 모두 소탕하고 사천리 육십주를 조선땅 만들어서 옹화에 목욕감겨 예의국을 만들ㅤㄱㅗㅍ다. (日本語訳) 土地は肥え、田畑もきわめてよろしい。 二 里ほどで実相寺に着くと、三使臣は朝服に着替えられるが、私は駕籠を降りないまま、倭城(京都)へ入る。人民が富める様は大阪には及ばないが、都の西から 東までの距離は三里だという。館舎は本能寺で、五層の楼門の上に十個あまりの銅輪を施した相輪が、天高くそびえている。 (庭の)水石も見事であり、竹やその他の木も趣がある。倭王の居所だから、贅沢がはかりしれない。 山 の姿は雄壮で、河は野をめぐって流れ、沃野千里を成しているが、惜しんで余りあることは、このように豊かな金城湯池がなぜ倭奴の所有であり、帝だ皇だと称 し、子々孫々に伝えられているかということである。この犬豚にも等しい輩を皆ことごとく掃討して、四百里六十州を朝鮮の国土とし、朝鮮王の徳をもって、礼 節の国としたいものだ。 English Fertile land, farms were excellent. We arrived at Jisso-ji temple in 2ri, then 3 of us changed to court robe (Jobok) but I entered Kyoto whithout getting off from the palanquin. The people's wealth was behind Osaka, the distance between west and east (of Kyoto's city limit) was 3ri. We stayed in Honno-ji temple which had 5 layers of Rōmon with 10 copper Sōrins towering sky high. Suiseki in the garden were beautiful, bamboos and trees were tasteful. Immeasurable luxry because it was where Japanese King lived.(*1) Appearance of the mountains were majestic, the river ran through fields that created vast fertile land. It was so frustrated to see Waenom (*2) to own such a rich and robust castle and passing self-claimed Emperors for generations. I had desire to kill all dog-like Japanese and occupy the whole land. And it will become the country of courtesy with virtue of Korean King. *1- Koreans don't like to call Japanese Emperor because Emperor must be only Chinese in Sinocentrism sense. *2- Korean racial slur to Japanese. |