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The Last Ninja Doron Doron / Fujita Seiko This book is his biography written by himself, originally published in 1958. Summary abstract 1. When he was 6, he slashed 11 people with a policeman sword. 2. When he was 6, he spent 4 months in Chichibu mountains with Yamabushi. 3. He jumped from 14m high with no damage. 4. When he was 13, he was stabbed 15cm deep with bamboo spear and cured in 3 days without any treatment. 5. He received psychic power in Mitsumine mountain.(Chichibu) 6. He was able to see near future. 7. He had telegnosis. 8. He was able to eat burning charcoal, drink boiling water. 9. He ate his own flesh. 10. He won a competiton with John Kentel who held world best mighty man record. 11. He was able to cure deseases that other doctors gave up. 12. He received a secret mission to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek. PR
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I was asked to research about Fujita.
It seems there are very limited informations about him in English. But I don't have enough sources about him either so I am going to translate from Japanese web sites as my memorandum. Fujita's real name is Fujita Isamu 藤田勇 The name Fujita Seiko seemed to be named after Fujita Toko, a scholar in late Edo period. Seiko 西湖 West lake Toko 東湖 East lake Born 1899(明治32年) - Died 1966(昭和41年) According to J-wikipedia, 甲賀流忍術第14世を自称し、「最後の忍者」という異名を持つ。 Self claimed Koka Ninjutsu the 14th, AKA the last ninja. 2ch(most popular forum in japan) thread "Do you know Nanban Satto ryu?" たしか、竹内流の分派である難波一品流の名が訛って南蛮殺到流になったんでしたよね。 I believe Takeuchi ryu branch "Nanba Ippin ryu" the accent turned to Nanban Satto ryu. 「秘伝」で藤田西湖氏の特集記事で、氏の師匠は薩摩の侍で、西南戦争の時、手刀で敵の首の骨を折って倒した。と紹介されていた。 On Hiden magazine, Fujita's Sensei broke enemy's neck bone by a hand in Seina war.(1877) Another 2ch thread Nanban Satto ryu kenpo はっきり答えを言うと藤田の創作です。 Honestly it's Fujita's creation. 普通の柔術。名前がいかついだけ。開祖は幕末、明治ごろの人だったはず。 It's common jujitsu.Just the name is scary. Founder was Bakumatsu-Meiji, I suppose. そんな眉唾お前信じてんのかよ。幕末の柔術が縦拳で両拳構えるか、アホ。 Do you believe such a story? How could Bakumatsu Jiujitsu do ryouken Kamae with juken. Moron. 糸東流の一本組手を変形して作ったペテン流派。 It's fraud ryu, modified from Itoshi ryu ippon kumite. 柔術臭さなんかゼロだよ。 Nothing like Jiujitsu. 南蛮殺到流拳法で確かに藤田西湖の創作。 でも元になっているのは竹内流から派生した難波一本流が転訛した南蛮殺到流柔術と言って、れっきとした古武道。 Nanban Satto ryu is Fujita's creation however, it was based from Nanba ippon ryu, so it's koryu. 何度言ったらわかるんだお前は。糸東流の約束組み手の変形だと教えてやっただろ。俺は習ったんだよ。1年間な。橋本一夫齋なんて武芸者から数えて藤田の代数が完璧に合わないことぐらい見抜きなさい。難波系統の柔術なんか全く入ってないよ。 How many times do I have to explain? It's modified version of Itoshi ryu kumite. Ilearned (nanban satto ryu) for a year. Why can't you notice Hashimoto Ippusai(Nanba ippon ryu)'s lineage don't match with Fujita. There is no technique from Nanba Jiujitsu. |
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