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【2025/03/13 17:14 】 |
I am skeptical with Fujita Seiko

The Last Ninja Doron Doron / Fujita Seiko

This book is his biography written by himself, originally published in 1958.

Summary abstract
1. When he was 6, he slashed 11 people with a policeman sword.
When he was 6, he spent 4 months in Chichibu mountains with Yamabushi.
3. He jumped from 14m high with no damage.
4. When he was 13, he was stabbed 15cm deep with bamboo spear and cured in 3 days without any treatment.
5. He received psychic power in Mitsumine mountain.(Chichibu)
6. He was able to see near future.
7. He had
8. He was able to eat burning charcoal, drink boiling water.
9. He ate his own flesh.
10. He won a competiton with John Kentel who held world best mighty man record.
11. He was able to cure deseases that other doctors gave up.
12. He received a secret mission to assassinate
Chiang Kai-shek.

Fujita Seiko Research - Mie University

甲賀流忍術十四世を名乗った藤田西湖は異彩を放った人物で、その生涯について記した『どろんろん』には、幼少のときからのさまざまなエピソードが記されて いる。しかし、当時の新聞記事を検討すると、改変されたりかなり誇張されている部分があることがわかる。例えば、著書では藤田は浅草生まれで、あるとき山 伏について100日あまり家出したとするが、複数の新聞記事には、伊豆大島生まれで、祖母から役行者についての話を聞き興味をもったとする。また、著書で は怪力ロシア人ケンテルと力比べをして勝ったと記しているが、新聞ではケンテルの記事を見て発奮し、顔面に針を刺すようになったとする。

Self-Proclaimed Kokaryu Ninjutsu XIV Fujita Seiko was a conspicuous person, his biography contains variety of episodes since his childhood. However  many exaggeration and alteration were found when compared to newspaper articles.
For example, his book says he was born in Asakusa, he spent 100 days with Yamabushi in a mountain, but several papers in those days say he was born in Izu Oshima, he was interested in En-no-Gyoja when his Granma told the story.
His book says he won mighty man John Kentel but a newspaper says he rouse himself to stick needles to his face by seeing John Kentel on a paper.

藤田は当初、修霊鍛身会会長として、肉身貫針術、熱湯術などを披露し、病気治しなども行っていたが、大正13年(1924)ころからそれらを「忍術」とし て披露するようになった。忍者はいかなる苦痛を受けても耐えなければならないということから、そうした術を祖父から習い、その後は自らさまざまな書を読み あさったとする。

Fujita was first performing "sticking needles to his body jutsu" "boiling water jutsu" , or "desease therapy jutsu" as Grand master of Shurei-tanshin-kai(1), around 1924 he started calling them Ninjutsu.
Because (he thinks) Ninja must endure any pain, he said he learned those skills from grand father, then read many books.

(1) 修霊鍛身会 Shurei-tanshin-kai was a Reiki party.
【2016/03/06 13:12 】 | Fujita Seiko | 有り難いご意見(0)
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