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【2025/03/13 17:25 】 |
チョニン 内ゲバktkr

you really should start to be honest to yourself first and then to others.
I was waiting for month to let it out as I had hope i was wrong but know I can say for sure you are a big fat LIAR and you try to manipulate people for your advantage. You really piss me of with your arrogance and lies. And you can backstabb me as you please I do not care as I know who is liar and for sure is not me.
Stay away from my channel. Thank you.

No angela...You can go in peace and don't expect me to go around saying anything bad about you (backstabbing). Its not the way I treat people and never will be. There is this saying:
"Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
Have a great life and say whatever you want behind my back and publicly.

Once again...Thank you. *bow*

I don't want anything from you. And I was sure you will argue this way.
You have to stand up earlier to fool me. Sorry. Have a great day as well.

When people don't get what they want from me...I guess I am a big fat liar ?
Thank you very very much and have a great day Angela.

Its about time you show your colors. Have you gone back to your buddhist ways now? Using God is something the Bible teaches? Really?
What did you think...I would be fooled by your genuine learnings of what the bible teaches about brotherly love you offer?? Really? This love you show me is my shame?
God grants wisdom and not hatred in the heart and malicious revenge. Time tells all right?

Have a great day Angela and enjoy your peaceful and loving life...I will enjoy mine.

LOL you never change don't you??!!! You are such a shame ..... I never backstabed anyone you are a big fat hypocritcal liar sooner or later everone will find out.
You are not innicent at all and you even use God for your selfish ways. Don't force me to go in details. Stay away from my channel.

Your Christianity is shining so bright Angela and thank you for being a great example of attacking me first. I really really really appreciate what you have shared with me today!
I'll never forget this valuable lesson. Its proof enough of your GREAT Christianity.

Of course I am the hypocrite right? Thank you! *bow*

You ARE A BIG FAT HYPOCRITICAL LIAR and If I want to proof it i have many many sources from you. Enouhg said. Go in peace and try to become a good christian please.

YOur Christianly actions and your backstabiing ways was my provocation? You think I am this stupid not to know the difference?

Did I attack you first Angela? Is this my manipulations now? How Christianly of you! You call me the liar? REALLY?!!!

You think I m to ignorant to realize you try to provocate me??!!!Trying to manipulate my christian image into a buddhist??!!! You are ..............you can be lucky that I love Jesus if i wouldn't i would have used some ordinary words to you to describe your maliciouse hypocratical character. You offer nothing than hypocratical behavior and lies and you misuse naive poeple for your selfish agendas. Malicious revange??!!! You enjoy your life by misusing others.
Anyway God bless you

The only think you want is to keep your business alive nomatter at which costs.
And I am telling you this as your sister in christ .


I love Jesus and nobody can take this away from me . You neither.
You attack everybody wiht your hypocratical lies and manipulative strategies.
And you even use God for your selfish agendas. I kow you for years now and I have observed you and your strategies. You are a BIG FAT HYPOCRATICAL LIAR
and I have many many proofs from you.I thank you for giving me/us that important lesson.

and Geg don't try to present yourself as a "humble" person as you are not humble at all.I know your true character and your negative side. I don't want anything from you even not if you would pay me with money.

I understand that defending myself is ARROGANT and your too ntelligent to notivced.

Forgive me for being bold with my defense. Your pretending that I am the accuser now? Perhaps the instigator of racial wars too? You sound just like them now. Insinuate as if I attack others and not the other way around. How people forget so quickly!

STOP your disgusting tactics Greg!!! I told you don't force me to go in details. You are a shame! Everythings happen for a reason Greg.Now the time has com for ME to reveal THE TRUTH which is you are a hypocratical liar and you need to work very much on your character and on your negative emotions as well.This is al you can do LIE LIE AND YOUR DIRTY TACTICS. Stay away from my channel. you think i did not noticed what you did??!!!
God bless you anyway

Stop showing of your wonderful backstabbing delusional Christanity Angela.
Jesus didn't teach us to judge or accuse others based on gossip!!!


Haha you are to funny Greg! He did not teach us to judge or accuse others based on gossip. I know what I have seen and read from you Greg! I am not judging you I m only telling you THE TRUTH what I do think about you and your actions. He did teach us to be truth always and that is what I am doing I am telling THE TRUTH about you. Nothing more and less. It is you who are trying to bend my christianity image so that good christians do not believe me but you. try harder

Shame on you Greg! Shame on you!

I'll try to member I attacked you first. RIGHT? Especially with facts? Like I said. Defending myself is arrogant to you and you think your right to tell me to stop this?

You act like they never lie and the only person is lying is me. Your a great judge and your perfect right? Did Jesus teach you this to?...really?

you shall continue with some pride in what you do for free??!!! Is this what the bible teaches us???!!! I think i remember a quote where it is said if we do something good we should do this in secret and for sure not be pride about it or expect anything in return from God or others.......

I don't regret blocking you or asking you to stop stalking me. Its my shame but I'll pray for you and this is the best I can do.
Bye bye Angela.

stop dancing arround Greg! You might fool others but for sure you do NOT FOOL ME!
With your lies and disgusting tactics.. Leave my beloved Jesus out of your dirty ways

Hhaahaha you did blocked me when you read that I said I was friend with Houzan. I was doing what Jesus teaches us being a loving and kind compassionate meryful person. That is why you blocked me. I really need to control my mind to not let my anger grow up against you Greg. You can be thankfully i do love Jesus otherwise I would have used other words for explaining your shamefulness hypocratical lieing personality. Do not pray fo rme I do not want anything from you

You think you fooled me all this time? Really?

I am not the smartest man but surely not stupid.

You were a friend of houzan? This is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

He deserves you! Please go stock him and try your lies on me.

Do not compare yourself with Jesus as you are not like him. In fact you are a hypocratical liar that is all. I hope minimum the kids will stay away from your videos.
Go and humble your self. Hypocrite !

LOLOLOL you even continue your lies now. I did not expect anything else than your lies Greg
I really do hope you get enlightenment from God and stop your lies.
Now leave me alone please

Please do not force me to make a video dedicated for you and your ugly person you are Greg!

you are a hypocritical LIAR and also a backstabber!


He started putting my "christianity" down.And he uses Christianity for his selfish agendas ...the ninja stuff is one part of it but the has many more. Jesus did teach us also to be truth and to tell ALWAYS the truth.

You asked me to stop stalking you???!! Now that is interesting Greg! Do you want me to show the chat where you apologized to me for having backstabbed me as a stalker and that you were so great fully for my amazing friendship???!!! You reep what you saw! The TRUTH WAS TESTED ONTO FIRE and hurts sometimes Greg!

you have misused my friendship for a very long time Greg! And I have saved your .....face for many times until you realized I became popular as you said I made it difficult for you.....do not let me go in details....you really should go and humble yourself and leave innocent children alone. Your are not the person you try to present in your videos
God bless you anyway

You forget I blocked you? Was this taking advantage of your friendship? PLEASE!

And lets see if the children I teach feel the same about me. I mean they actually know me and train with me. Again my Christian sister...please dictate what i should do. I mean you actually know me and train with me right?

! last thing...I will never be the person you want me to be.
Go in peace.

You blocked me when you did read my comment i was saying i am freind with houzan suzuki. Do not you remember you told me in the past you wish me to be friend also with your "haters"??You are so hypocrite it is a shame! You really deserve nothing than THE TRUTH for all people to see! You are a twister of Truth nomatter on which topic your character is false and you do not control your aggressive emotions. You really shoud get some help and visit a psychologist.
It is time for you to admit the ugly person you are and be honest to your self and then treat others the way you want to be treated ok? Stop your lies you are so ugly you are disgusting me.
God bless you anyway LIAR

I did "share" dedicated my account with him as I thought he was a truthfully and honest person and that he engaged for the less fortunates for free but i did not knew this will make him possible to manipulate my playlists or comment with my name
Now i am convinced he uses even the less fortunates like me for his selfish agendas.

you are such a shame!!Really do not you feel alittle ashame for your ugly lies about me and others???!!!
Stay away from me and my channel!

【2010/07/25 06:59 】 | 朝鮮忍者 | 有り難いご意見(6)
<<CA 3-11 An Honest Source | ホーム | The Empress Jingu's conquest of Korean peninsula 神功皇后>>





ところが、日本時間の7/25 7:00ごろから、アンジェラ本人らしい言葉が消え去り、チョの論調に変わっています。






【2010/07/25 20:46】| | HouzanSuzuki #2abe01f852 [ 編集 ]


【2010/07/26 00:30】| | 鏡神宮 #56b710e52e [ 編集 ]



Yes I have read your email. Thank you Houzan.
I did change my password many month ago when I started realise he Lies. I never gave him my password so I am wondering how could he comment on my name??!!






"I was there nearly since the beginning of the dispute and I remember well his tactics and he misused my friendship and dictated me to make a videoresponse to houzan suzuki to tell him he is a bloody racist who hate him .....and that hayes proofed Greg were right with his theory now i really was the ONLY person who defende him all this years and then he started his strategies to tell his friend to copy my comments and ....words...really disgusting he is

【2010/07/26 01:17】| | HouzanSuzuki #2abe01f852 [ 編集 ]

【2010/07/26 20:12】| | 鏡神宮 #92ca4cbf35 [ 編集 ]

【2010/07/27 20:34】| | 鏡神宮 #92ca4cd68a [ 編集 ]


【2010/07/27 21:54】| | 鏡神宮 #92ca4cd69c [ 編集 ]


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