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@sandershop during 1910 korea was trying to restore our nation. SEOUL was the first city in asia to have electricity. "The streets of Seoul are magnificent, spacious, clean, admirably made and well-drained. The narrow, dirty lanes have been widened, gutters have been covered, roadways broadened. Seoul is within measurable distance of becoming the highest, most interesting and cleanest city in the East.” -ANGUS HAMILTON. then the japanese invaded and all went to shits. chimneysmokes1 気になったんでグーグルブックスでダウンロードして読んでみたら、意外にいい本だった。 この本は実は、日本がいかに韓国の近代化に貢献したか、という本。 いくつか抜粋するのでコピペして使ってちょ。 Quotes from the same book "Korea " Angus Hamilton Editorial note Korea has always been called The Hermit Country. Before the war between Russia and Japan, much of which was fought within the borders of Korea, this comparatively unknown land was seldom visited by travellers. 朝鮮は隠者の国と呼ばれほとんど外国に知られていなかった。 Its geographical position made the Russo-Japanese War inevitable, where Russia was in fourtified possession; she was so near to Japan in fact as to endanger its peace if Korea were to remain in Russian hands. 朝鮮がロシアの手に落ちたら日本は危機に陥る。朝鮮は日本に近すぎた。 As a nation Korea was altogether without means of self-defence; consequently, in order to protect this country as well as itself, Japan, with the consent of China, maintained a protectorate over Korea. 朝鮮は自衛出来ない国だったと書いてあるw↑ 朝鮮を守ることは日本を守ることなので、朝鮮を保護国とした。 Women have gained some freedom and some recognition from law under Japanese influence 日本の影響で女性に自由がもたらされた。 Korea with Japan P219 With the hope of making Korea's independence a reality, Japan employed all the resources of friendly suggestion to induce the former to adopt modern civilized methods, to reform her corrupt administration, to reorganise her police system, and to strengthen her military defence, so as to be able to fulfil her treaty obligations. 日本が韓国の腐敗した政権を正し近代化するために、警察組織を改革し、軍事的防衛力を強化させた。 Railroad, telegraphs and telephones P269 Although the Koreans boast an ancient civilization of their own, the country hither to possessed hardly any public roads, except the so-called "grand road" from Seoul to the Chinese border, and a few roads between the capitol and some provincial cities. 韓国人は古代文明をいつも自慢する割にろくな道路がなかった。 During the China-Japan War, the Seoul - Chemulpo highway was constructed by the Japanese army, and two trunk roads from Seoul to Wonsan and Wiju respectively were similarly made by the Japanese troops during the war with Russia. In order to facilitate transportation, the Korean Government (as stated in the report for 1906) allotted 1,500,000 yen out of the Loan for public Undertakings to construct four roads; namely, one between Chinnanpo and Ping-yang; another form Tai-ku to Ya-nil Bay, by way of Kyang-ju; a third from Yonsan kang to Mok-po; and a fourth from Keun-kang to Kunsan. 日清戦争や日露戦争で日本軍によって道路が作られた。 また日本からの貸付によっていくつかの道路が作られた。 P272 Thus "finding it expedient from the standpoint of the administration and finances of Korea" the Government finally decided to transform the entire management of communications to Japanese control. 韓国は管理や経済的理由から通信に関する一切のマネージメントを日本に任せることにした。 Industrial encouragement P285 The Korean Government appreciating the urgent advice of the Resident-general, established in 1906, three model forests in the mountains near Seoul, Ping-yang, and tai-ku. 統監府(日本)のアドバイスで植林が行われた。 Nothing is more than important for the advancement of material prosperity in Korea than to give the people every opportunity of improving the old fashioned methods of agriculture and industry. 遅れた農業や産業をどうにかすることが先決だ。 For this purpose the Residency-general, established in June 1906, an Agricultural and Industrial Model Farm at Suwon, about twenty-five miles from Seoul at at cost of 168,520 yen. そのために統監府はモデル農場をつくった。168,520 yenなり。 Sanitation and water works P294 A hospital and a medical school to promote vaccination were first established in 1897 under the advice of a Japanese, Dr. Kojo, and three years later, eighty-one medical students having graduated, they were distributed throughout the provinces, by a decree of the Home Department, issued on June 27, 1897. 日本人医師のすすめで病院や医学学校がつくられた。81人が卒業し各地に派遣された。 The well-water in Korea towns is often a cause of epidemic diseases, owing to infilteration from stagnant drains and uncleaned necessaries. In spite of the fact that water works for the large cities are thus of vital importance, attention was never seriously paid to the matter until the Japanese Municipal Council in Seoul held a meeting to discuss this subject on january 29, 1904, and decided to build a reservoir on Nam San, for the purpose of supplying the japanese settlement with water at a cost of 100,000 yen. 韓国では井戸水による病気が蔓延してたのに、あまり問題にされなかった。 そのため日本は日本人居住者のために貯水池をつくった。 Meanwhile, in March, 1906, on the urgent advice of the Resident-General, the Korean Government decided to appropriate funds for water works out of the "Loan for Public Undertakings" and to apply them for the construction of water works at Chemulpo and Ping-yang, as well as to subsidise the water works at Fusan, which had already been commenced by the Japanese settlement there. その間統監府の強いすすめで韓国はやっと水道をつくることを決意。 資金は日本からの貸付。 Education P302 Prior to the China-Japan War, there was no real public school system in Korea, nor any institution for giving modern education. In fact, education has never been regarded as a matter of public interest, but only as a private affair. 日清戦争以前の韓国に公立学校はなかった。 教育はあくまでも個人的なことだった。 In accordance with the advice of the Resident-General, the Korean Government appropriated 500,000 yen out of the "Loan for Public Undertakings" in March, 1906, for the extension of education; 350,000 yean being alloted for improving normal schools, high schools, and foreign language schools. 統監府のすすめで韓国は日本から金を借りて普通学校、高校、外国語学校をつくった。 1904年から日本の保護国になっているので、1910年の"The streets of Seoul are magnificent, spacious, clean,”というのは日本の努力の結果なわけ。 巻末のまとめには、日本がまだ貧しい国で国内に問題をいろいろ抱えているにもかかわらず頑張っていると書いてある。 この本を持ち出すなんて自爆もいいとこだ。 PR