× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 |
"i'm buying one technique from christa jacobson therefore she must answer my questions about hayashi nakashima unless she's breaching her own contract and not following what she advertises she will do on her website.
http://cjj2004.tripod.com/budoryu/id1... I am asking all of the students of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo to not partake in these actions, this does nothing but keep them active, if you are a student of the International Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo and you have any questions, all I ask is that you send us an email with your student ID# and we will be more than happy to answer ANY questions." PR