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なぜかクマーが。 PR
Desde tiempo atrás esta persona propaga información falsa sobre historia, inventando su propia 'historia'. Esta persona también ha tenido problemas incluso con gobiernos a causa de su actitud. Ten cuidado, esta persona es peligrosa. Lo que está haciendo es básicamente una secta utilizando hasta 'SPAM' para atraer gente. Since time ago this person spreads fake information about history, inventing its own 'history'. He also has had different problems even with governments due his attitude, take care with this person, he is just creating a sect, spamming everybody with his invitations. |
# BuffonMusa 4 分前 @3:09 He covers from camera. @3:11 He glance at camera. lol BuffonMusa 4 分前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 -2 There is the inferiority complex for reasons of the one and only of his hypocrisy and lie and frivolous act. Therefore he was made a fool by many people. . He is always desperatehe for he isn't ignored by someone else. Therefore he will abuse anything. . But public You-Tube isn't place to excrete shit of his personal inferiority complex. HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @Shiiransama By the way, can you understand the cause why ChosonPark uploaded video on You-tube? . It is from the inferiority complex that he continued being ignored by people of periphery. Because it was uploaded by such a motive, it became in very cheap contents. Motive of upload of video of other many people is honest. However, voice from heart always crying in this way. "Please don't ignore me!! please!!" cont HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # skymilesdc5 2 週間前 @Shiiransama keebler elf maybe? yeah it takes a man to sitck cardboard deep (rolls eyes) skymilesdc5 2 週間前 # Shiiransama 2 週間前 @skymilesdc5 he zooms in and shows how he pierced it far through like its a big deal lol. what is he hitting when he's aiming down there? hobbits? Shiiransama 2 週間前 # Shiiransama 2 週間前 @HouzanSuzuki Sensei, nice to see you again ^_^ Yes, I noticed that greg is also just advertising his poorly made materials in his new videos. From the looks of it, it looks like its made out of metal from a hardware store lol. Shiiransama 2 週間前 # skymilesdc5 2 週間前 @HouzanSuzuki LOL, sadly he thought he could get away with it skymilesdc5 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @skymilesdc5 At 3:23, why did he pull two pen? lol HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # skymilesdc5 2 週間前 @Shiiransama wow he cant even pierce cardboard good. # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @taihuu25go ところでこの動画ですが、私が気になるのは、むしろ、3:22のところで、 箱の中からペン型のものを「二本」つまみ出しているように見えることです。1本のはず。 もしかして、全く刺さっていないのに、あたかも刺さったのを抜いたように見せるために、あらかじめ、箱の中に埋め込んであるのかもしれません。 第一、不必要に箱の幅がありすぎますから。背景が白いところで黒い棒を投げないのは怪しいですね。 HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 コメントが削除されました # taihuu25go 2 週間前 @HouzanSuzuki 画鋲投げ・・やりましたなぁw チョが持ってる昭和刀を持ってる奴もいましたよ。 といっても、廃車置き場から、ガメたリーフスプリングを削ってサラシを巻いただけなんですがね。 当時の族の間ではやってたんですね。 もとの出所は学校の先輩のスジ者らしいですが・・ taihuu25go 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @skymilesdc5 Yes. Moreover, it is only beginner's class test even if we stab seven of them in ten throwing. A hit rate, continuation of distance,in addition, "innumerable themes" are waiting on Japanese ShurikenJutsu. Taking an instructor isn't admitted to in Japan till we can throw all those constantly and get possible to show it to someone else in real visitor. . It is big difference of social good sense in Japan between Korea. Korea is going to sell it only in halfway cheap imitation. HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @taihuu25go 私も中学生のときに、画鋲投げました。楽しかったです。 小学生の時には、コンパス(針の部分が良いので)、投げました。 高校生のときには、ナイフを常に、学ランの裏に三本隠し持って、毎日投稿してました。(むろん学校の後ろの黒板に投げて刺す為です。) 昼休みは、ちょっとした大道芸大会となっていました。(なんと平和な不良学校だったんだ) あるとき、部活の先輩が、万引きで警察に捕まったときに、たまたまそこに居合わせてしまい、あやうく署に同行となりそうで、ならなかったので、助かりました。身体検査されなくて済んで、ほっとしました。 HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 コメントが削除されました # skymilesdc5 2 週間前 @HouzanSuzuki even wost, people with little skill in ShurikenJutsu can out class him with ease. so 70% stab is out of his reach. skymilesdc5 2 週間前 # taihuu25go 2 週間前 これは中学生の時の教室でのあそびだな。 taihuu25go 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @Shiiransama Hi long time no see.(^_^)/ Even he uploads cuting-test and Kenjustu play and a Shiriken play and Jujutsu play, it is looked down on and on by many people. In other words he is looked down by people in proportion to uploadin his pool excuse. As for the next time , he will build history video or present video or fake ninja tool video or his rubbishy Philosophy video? lol He is repeating the same excuse pattern. HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @skymilesdc5 Hi, Sky san, . Next is the video which teaches common sense . watch?v=JICfHFKqnDM . When we can't stab 70%(7/10 throw) from 24 feet "continually", even the shortest rank (Sho-dan)isn't given in ShurikenJutsu. Greg is a shameful swindler who calls himself a master though he can't do such a basis of beginner's class. . He makes the trick throwing and nothing value throwing in order to cover up that he can't do most basis. All people knowing ShurikenJutsu are laughing at him. # HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 @filterplus7788 何、釣られてんだよ。ばーか。lol 金属製じゃねぇーから、落下したところで音なんかしないよ。lol 奴の動画があまりにも不鮮明だから、根拠のない突っ込みじゃないんだよな。lol 無理に中国語に翻訳するなよ。 . To Japanese people ちなみにチョに登録しているこ いつは、ちょんのはほんまだと言いたいようです。違っていたらゴメン。 HouzanSuzuki 2 週間前 # filterplus7788 2 週間前 捕風捉影罷了 應該是集中的震動波 還有那是金屬做的,掉下去不會"鏗"一聲嗎? 我看還真的是射進你眼睛裡去了.... filterplus7788 2 週間前 # Shiiransama 2 週間前 it's not skill if you're using cardboard as targets...even a blunt object can pierce cardboard. Shiiransama 2 週間前 # skymilesdc5 2 週間前 strange...the tells the camera man to "stay there" after the throw skymilesdc5 2 週間前 # Houzan04Review 2 週間前 Picture quality of that idiot's video is always wrong, anyway. And even if this throw was the truth, but it is "completely worthless and Incompetent" performance on ShurikenJutsu. By the way, Choson isn't rich at all. Because he can't rent from even Dojo in normal bill. He can only using duity parking area.lol And he can't gathered "deceived students" at all.lol Houzan04Review 2 週間前 # Houzan04Review 2 週間前 いちおうチョがいい気になって反論した場合の布石の為に、 私は否定的に書いておきます。 It sees to trash of something to have fallen in the right bottom. Perhaps it may be sticking in central part of black tape. Houzan04Review 2 週間前 # scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 @FatGuyWithAKatana yep it rolls down the target and bounces scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 # FatGuyWithAKatana 2 週間前 @scottbaioisdead oh yeah i did, like right in front of the target yes? FatGuyWithAKatana 2 週間前 # scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 @FatGuyWithAKatana full screen at 3:03 you see it bounce on the floor scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 # FatGuyWithAKatana 2 週間前 @scottbaioisdead the camera sucks, where did it hit the floor? # Houzan04Review 2 週間前 @CheekboneToBeWild 微妙ですね。こういう状態の畳表というのは、一部が衝撃を受けると波打つので、こうした動きになることはあります。つまり落下物がすべり落ちたように見える場合です。 私のディスプレイが良くないのと、画質が悪すぎて見えませんが、スコット曰く、拡大表示すると落ちる瞬間が見えると言っていますね。 Houzan04Review 2 週間前 # scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 it works best when you full screen the video then you can see the shuriken slide on the floor scottbaioisdead 2 週間前 # CheekboneToBeWild 2 週間前 Eyes down! Watch at 3:00. 3分ジャストのところに注目してください。手裏剣は刺さらず床に転がります。しかしチョ忍は刺さっていない手裏剣を何食わぬ顔で引き抜く振りをします。バカです。 |
This is hilarious.