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Original video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nKBqykSjqY 新羅百済皆似倭為大国多珍物並敬仰之恒通使往来 Book of Sui, Vol. 81, Liezhuan (Biographies) 46" states 'Silla and Baekje respect Wa(Japan) as a big power with unusual cultural products and send envoys to Wa(Japan).' PR
Very articstic video of Japanese mythology.
Korea and Her Neighbours、Isabella Lucy Bird 1898
As to the moribund Buddhism which has found its most secluded retreat in these mountains, it is overlaid with daemonolatry, and like that of China is smothered under a host of semi-deified heroes. Of the lofty aims and aspirations after righteousness which distinguish the great Buddhist reforming sects of Japan, such as the Monto, it knows nothing. The monks are grossly ignorant and superstitious. They know nearly nothing of the history and tenets of their own creed, or of the purport of their liturgies, which to most of them are just "letters," the ceaseless repetition of which constitutes "merit." CHAPTER XI: The Monasteries of the Diamond Mountain (pp.163-164) http://www.archive.org/stream/koreaandh ... 1/mode/1up http://www.archive.org/stream/koreaandh ... 2/mode/1up |
Rise of Samurai 1of2
Rise of Samurai 2of2 |