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Chosonninja's source of the uriginal sanada ten braves history was from a stupid movie.
Reviews on the video are here. http://www.jtnews.jp/cgi-bin/review.cgi?TITLE_NO=10205 http://home.f05.itscom.net/kota2/jmov/2003_01/030105.html http://chikinai.blog95.fc2.com/blog-entry-107.html http://gimpo.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/rmovie/1182178115/l50 i misunderstood one of review. "When Oda Nobunag chopped a man's head..." correction is "A man's head flies like a rocket much faster than when Oda Nobunaga chopped a head in NHK Taikoki drama." Anyway, it meant the rocket head was funny. PR