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A forbidden land: voyages to the Corea 1880
Ernst Jakob Oppert P152 The armament of the Corean soldiers is a very primitive one, and consists of quite antiquated common matchlocks, bows and arrows, and of single and three-pointed lances. The bows are made of very strong, tough wood, with strings of twisted hemp, which throw arrows with a two-inch iron point. The lances with three points look like harpoons, and are of rude make, with wooden or bamboo shafts. Foreign arms are as yet unknown in the country. コリアン兵の武器は原始的だ、ほとんど骨董品の火縄銃、弓矢と槍で槍は穂先がひとつのと3つのがある。 弓は丈夫な木でできていて弦はよじった麻、矢じりは2インチ(5センチぐらい)ある。 穂先が3つの槍は銛のようだ、竿は木または竹でできている。 外国の武器はこの国ではまだ知られていない。 The battlements of the numerous forts and batteries which line the banks of the main rivers, are in a complete state of decay, and the guns with which they have formerly been mounted have been deposited in arsenals. 川沿いの至る場所での戦いでは彼ら(コリア兵)は全く戦意がなく、持っていた銃は武器庫に入れられていた。 When the French landed at Kangwha they found a large number of these guns buried near the town, which, to judge by their appearance, must have lain there for many years past; curiously enough amongst them several breechloaders were discovered, made upon a simple but very effective principle. フランス人が到着したとき、近隣の町には山のような銃が埋められていたが、見た感じ何年もそこにあったような感じだ。いくつかのよくできた元込め銃は発見されたが。 They were charged through a long square hole at the upper part of the breech, which was closed by a well-fitting sliding-piece, and then fired by a match. In all probability these guns date from the period of the Japanese occupation, and they certainly were several centuries old. 銃尾の上にスライドするものと四角い穴があってそこから狙いをつけ、マッチで火をつける。 もしかしたらこれらの銃は何世紀も前に日本軍(秀吉)が置いていったものではないだろうか。 Common soldiers hardly ever wear swords, only officers and mandarins of a higher rank are armed with such of Japanese make, but they are all old and rusty, and it is more than likely that these also were brought into the country by the Japanese, and were left behind.on their withdrawal. 一般兵は刀をもたず身分の高い将校と中国人?だけが日本製のを持っていたが、全て錆びていて古いのでおそらくそれらも (秀吉の時代に)日本人が持ち込んで撤退時に置いていったものだろう。 PR
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