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ここのコメからなんだが TSOAS2008 you asked how long have i trained for? i trained about 10 years in the bujinkan. then i started to question it, not the skills but its origin. your question is redundant. A it does not matter how long i trained, as there are possibly no ninjutsu teachers in the world that teach historical ninjutsu. so really no one trains in it? but i have translated with my Japanese partner 4 ninja scrolls. i think that gives me some authority? 10年武神館で習っているうちにその起源について疑問を持つようになった。 TSOAS2008 i have a slight dislike, me ad hatsumi had a bit of a fall out (his kicked me out for questioning!) but the point is this. Hatsumi claims to teach Ninjutsu but in all of the historical scrolls there is zero martial arts. explain? he makes alot of money from teaching ninja secrets and about 80% is martial arts. i agree he has lots of ninja infomation and a good link. 初見氏は(歴史に関する)質問を蹴るようになった。初見氏は忍術を教えていると言うが、実際の史料に武術などひとつも出てこない。 えーと実際武神館のホムペ見ると史実に関する質問はお断りと書いてある。武神館の歴史捏造は確信犯だよな。 外国の門弟に支えられてる流派なのにこうやって門弟を騙していることに罪悪感感じないのだろうか? PR