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【2025/03/28 08:14 】 |
おかま先生の免許 Tomo ryu Menkyo




Tomo Ryu 'Menkyo Kaiden' claim

Ok I'm new to this site, but love the work you guys have been doing shining light on false claims. I respect people with martial skills and despise those that try to decieve for whatever end/profit.

Anyway I have read this whole Christa Jacobson thread today and would like to point out some 'irregularities' on the whole Tomo Ryu Bullnindoodoo. The following is based on looking at the photographs from the gallery at www.budoryuninjutsu.com claiming to be the menkyo kaiden of Tomo Ryu. (If there is a close up of this certificate I would like to see it)

It appears that this certificate is supposed to read (Downwards Right to left) "Menkyo - Christa Jacobson - Tomo Ryu Nin/Shinobi Jutsu - November 20th 2005 - Name of Teacher"

On the plus side the author seems to know kanji, the characters for Tomo Ryu are 'door', 'fierce' and 'school'

Ok now the problems:
1 - the name is written in Hiragana, not Katakana. Katakana is used for foreign names and imported modern words in the Japanese language. Hiragana is used for Japanese words, as aides to pronunciation or clarification in more modern writings. (Sometimes Japanese like to spell some words in Katakana as this makes them seem 'cool' and foreign - just like Westerners loving to get Chinese and Japanese tattoos)
2 - the characters in the name spell ku-ri-su-da ya-ko-bi-su-n. As hiragana and katakana is phonetic is seems odd that the name isn't JEI-ko-BU-su-n ジェコブスン (the bu has a soft b' sound here as oppossed to the longer 'b-oo' as in Bushido)
3 - the date is written in an American English format (Month-Day-Year), and not a Japanese format (Year-Month-Day)
4 - the kanji for the year uses the characters for the numerals 2-0-0-5, where the 0s use the old legal characters instead of the common modern circle - this shows some knowledge of Japanese - BUT, hang on a minute, Japanese have their own calendar which you would see, especially on a document with the gravitas of Menkyo Kaiden of an ancient school of martial knowledge. The date should be Heisei 17.
5 - Who is the author of the document? The name is at the bottom left - the first two characters look like TEN-CHI, the third, EI/kage, so the name is Heaven-Earth-Shadow 天地影. [影 can be read as EI or kage meaning shadow, silhouette, figure, phantom, trace] - I would like to see the close up to confirm this. So who is Tenchi Ei? This could be a warrior namenickname for Jacobson's teacher - however I have not seen any mention of this on budoryuninjutsu websites. Also you would expect to see the proper name written next to this nickname on the document.

6 - Most importantly, this document is not valid. The 'authors' stamp has been placed next to the authors 'name' - for those that don't know for a document to be legitimate the writer's/author's name stamp is stamped over their name (not vice-versa) - this is done precisely to prevent fraud as name stamps are made for the individual (and registered with the government). For a genuine Japanese person to make this kind of mistake is unthinkable... however for a non-Japanese person who doesn't want to jumble things up and make a document clear cut with a sense of divisions and proper layout...

7 - overall the kanji looks a little contrived:
i - the TO 戸 character in the school name does not have a flowing line as the brush is swept down, the line has an odd curvature
ii - the school name on the two densho in the foreground have the kanji sloping to the left as you go down.
This is indicative of a western style pen grip, where the base of the hand rests on the writing surface and the writing implement slopes down leftwards to the paper. Whereas in the use of a brush for Japanese script the brush is held vertically with the hand off the writing surface.

So who wrote this document - it could possibly be a person of Japanese origin, albeit one who has very questionable gaps in their knowledge, say from a generation or two living in the US, but then if they are forgetting their origin then what does that say for their special secret ninja training. Or a Westerner that has been learning Japanese and wants to be a real life hollywood ninja-master grandmoff blah blah.

For anyone that has the means to invesitigate further - get a decent image of the large red seal on the top right of the document - these seals are made by registered smiths and registered with various institutions in Japan - I would be interested to see what the seal characters say.

Anyway thanks for reading all this. I really hope I havn't made any spelling mistakes as Jacobson's poor spelling and grammar really pisses me off. And just so you know, I'm not Japanese but have lived in Japan since 2003.

【2011/02/12 08:02 】 | 海外のニンジャ情報 | 有り難いご意見(0)
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