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新井白石 夫朝鮮狡黠多詐、利之所在、不顧信義 Kokusho Fukugo Keiji Arai Hakuseki (1657~1725) Koreans are full of cheat and lies. They don't care loyalty when it's about money. 「朝鮮幽囚記」 ヘンドリック・ハメル (生田滋訳 1969年 平凡社東洋文庫) 彼らは盗みをしたり、嘘をついたり、だましたりする強い傾向があります。彼等をあまり信用してはなりません。 Hendrick Hamel(1630–1692)'s narrative of captivity and travels in Korea P148 The Koreans are very much addicted to stealing, and so apt to cheat and lie that there is no trusting them. 「朝鮮紀行」 イザベラ・バード 1897年 (時岡敬子訳 1998年 講談社学術文庫) 暮らし向きの楽な人々は一軒また一軒と場所を変えて時間をつぶす。政治については危険すぎるので話題にしないが、宮廷や市内のゴシップや著名人をさかなにした冷やかしを受け売りしたり、ニュースを仕入れたり、披露したり、でっち上げたりする。(中略)庶民は通りや家の前で宿屋で人と会う。そしてお互いの商売、仕事、ふところぐあいなど、かなりぶしつけと思われることについてえんえんと尋ね合ったり最新のニュースを仕入れ合ったりするのである。どんな男もできるかぎりニュースを集め、あるいはつくる。耳に入れたことを嘘と誇張で潤色する。朝鮮は流言蜚語の国なのである。朝鮮人は知っていること、というより耳にしたことを人に話す。 Korea and her neighbors Isabella Bird(1831-1904) P354 Men who are in easy circumstances go continually from one house to another to kill time. They never talk politics, it is too dangerous, but retail the latest gossip of the court or city and the witticisms attributed to great men, and tell, hear, and invent news. P355 The common people meet in the streets, the house fronts, and the inns. They ask each other endless questions, of a nature that we should think most impertinent, regarding each other's business, work, and money transactions, and for the latest news. It is every man's business to hear or create all the news he can. What he hears he embellishes by lies and exaggerations, Korea is the country of wild rumors. What a Korean knows, or rather hears, he tells. ノース・チャイナ・ヘラルド紙 1905年5月5日号 (「外国新聞に見る日本3」 1992年 毎日コミニュケーションズ) 朝鮮ほど贈賄や腐敗がよく見られる国もないだろう。また、この半島ほどなんの理由もなくだましたり、だまされたりすることが広く行なわれている国もない。そして、これまで朝鮮政府ほど詐欺、うそ、横領が満ちあふれ、骨の髄まで堕落した政府はなかった。しかし、朝鮮はそのような自分たちのやり方に慣れ、これには気づかなくなっており、他人の欠点ばかりが見えるのだ。 (エッソン・サード記者) North China Herald 5 May 1905 Esson Third No land could possibly make a greater showing for bribery and corruption than Korea herself. On no piece of ground have men deceived and been deceived more universally than in this peninsula. No Government ever existed that was more infected with rottenness to the bones, cheating, lying, defrauding. But Korea has grown accustomed to and unconscious of her own way of doing such things and sees only the fault of others. 「悲劇の朝鮮」 アーソン・グレブスト A:son Grebst 1912年 (高演義・河在龍訳 1989年 白帝社) (学者である両班は)礼節上、天地の間に起こることならすべからく知っていなければならないし、質問されたことにはことごとく答えられなければならないわけですが、ただ、わざと騙そうとするのではありませんが、その嘘っぽい理論で結論を下す論法ときたらまったく驚くべきほどです。 I Korea – Minnen och studier från “Morgonstillhetens Land”(In. Korea – Memories and Studies from the Land of the Morning Calm) A:son Grebst Yangban suppose to know everything as scholar, they have to be able to answer any questions. They didn't mean to cheat but the tricky reasoning they make is amazing. ジョージ・ケナン、ニューヨーク・アウトルック紙 1905 韓国人は、遺伝と教育とによって、その大部分が、おおげさな物言いをする人間か厚顔無恥の嘘つきかである。それで、日本人の非行についての彼らの陳述は、検証なしに、これを受け入れることはできない。 The New York Outlook 1905 George Kennan The Koreans are mostly exaggerators or barefaced liars, by heredity and by training, and it is impossible to accept without careful verification, the statements which they make with regard to Japanese misbehavior. A Country of Liars by Kim Dae-joong 2005 In every country there are crimes that uniquely reflect its society. National Intelligence Service director-designate Kim Seung-kyu, in a lecture he gave late in May when he was justice minister, said: "The three representative crimes of our country are perjury, libel and fraud." In simple comparison, not taking into account population ratio, South Korea saw 16 times as many perjury cases in 2003 than Japan, 39 times as many libel cases and 26 times as many instances of fraud. That is extraordinarily high given Japan's population is three times our own. The common denominator of the three crimes is lying; in short, we live in a country of liars. The prosecution devotes 70 percent of its work to handling the three crimes, the former justice minister said. And because suspects lie so much, the indictment rate in fraud cases is 19.5 percent, in perjury 29 percent and in libel 43.1 percent. "Internationally, too, there is a perception that South Korea's representative crime is fraud," Kim said, adding that recent major scandals show how rampant lying is in this country. The prosecution is not free from responsibility, since there is a sense in which its ingrained attitude in dealing with suspects for libel, fraud and perjury has contributed to making the crimes the scourge they have become. Lying is so common in our society because few recognize that it leads to crime. "What's wrong with telling a little lie?" they think. And here the big problem is that men of power, rather than ordinary citizens, indulge in lying on a massive scale, to the point where it is regarded as a necessary means of survival in some circles. PR
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