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【2025/03/14 22:49 】 |
This entry is basically Japanese version of previous one.


North China Herald May 5 1905
ノース・チャイナ・ヘラルド紙 1905年5月5日号

Japan's Task in Korea

Japan has before her the delicate and difficult task of placating Corea, and winning the hearts of this conservative people.
It will cost nothing to take possession of Corea and of Corea's government, but it will tax all her skill to win Corea's heart and confidence.


There is in the peninsula to-day, as there has been for a thousand years, an ingrained dislike of Japan and the Japanese. As naturally as the Corean says Kong-ja-nim (The Master Confucius) he says of Japan Wai-nim or Keu-gajie-nim(Contemptible wretch).
It is in the most cases an unreasonable, foolish dislike, but it is a part of his bone and fibre and breaks forth from him on all occasions.

Down through Corea’s ofiicial records Japan has been marked E with no character to do her honour or single word written in her favour She holds a lower place even than the Mongols or Manchus


Turning to a history written about 1485 by order of King Sung-jong I find the first mention of,Japan runs thus "In the year Shin-mi (50 B.C.) the Japanese sailed over and plundered our coast, when they heard of the virtue of our illustrious King they withdrew ashamed.” Unfortunately, to-day, Japan will have no occasion to withraw on any such ground.


Again in the year 417 A.D. the brother of the King of the Silla, or Kerim as the state was frequently called, was held a hostage in Japan. How he came there I know not, but the fact would seem to indicate that Sills was a subject at that time to the Eastern Empire. Great was the mourning on the King's account.


He himself spoke of his brother as the loss of his strong right arm “ Who was the man could set him free ?”A minister by the name of Pak Ché-sang volunteered.
Said he, "You might expect to win over other states by fair words, but not Japan, to outwit her is the only hope.
 My life is at the King's pleasure and such meagre gifts as I have. One request only: Please imprison my wife and family when I am gone.”


He took ship at Yul-po and his wife wept bitter tears at the parting.

" This must not be," said he, " I have given my life for my country and your part is to act as though I had been a rebel and was escaping from the King."


The Japanese were in doubts at first about this fugitive, but hearing that his wife was imprisoned, and seeing him act hi < part so Well, they believed, and ere long he became a minister in full standing in the Island Empire.


 Little by little he laid his plans and one day, unexpectedly, he smuggled the king's brother away and sent him westward home through a thick fog where he eluded all attempts at capture. Pak himself was caught and the whole weighit of the Emperor's wrath fell on him.


He asked " How did you dare to act so and set this man free ? "

Pak replied " I am the servant of Kerim and my king so desired it."

" You are my servanit" said the Japanese, " what do you mean by Kerim ?" His Imperial Majesty then prepared five kinds of punishment and with these in full view he said,

' If you'll consent to be my servant I'll reward you."


Pak replied " I may be a dog or a Kerim pig, but a servant of Japan never. I would gladly accept whip or rod from Kerim but would scorn office from Japan." The Japanese King then stripped his legs of flesh and made him walk barefoot over sharpened reeds,


" Now whose servant are you ? " " I am Kerim's." He made him dance on red hob irons and the question was again asked " whose servant ?"
" Kerim's" was the last reply. He was burned alive, and to-day a shrine stands in South Corea in his honour, and people who know scHrcely anything else of Corean history talk of the immortal Pak, hands of the "perfidious" who died at the


The great invasion of 1591 is still referred to as though it had happened yeaterday or the day before. In those days they burned down the huts and drove sharpened stakes through the helpless children, and mothers still, when youngsters cry, say "Ch'ung-chnng-i Will‘ catch you,” Ch'ung-chnng-i being Kaito Kyomasa the General of the first division. Records regarding Japan are a tale woe only and load one well along into the region of present day thought, where the natural heart of the Corean is all against the Japanese.


A Chinese army might march through this country, plunder it from coast to coast, and commit all kinds of outrage, but its evil deeds would be forgotten tomorrow.
A hundred thousand Japanese might pass along the same way, silent as the dumb except for their tramp ; paying for every bag of rice and every string of eggs, molestihg no one, orderly and well-behaved perfection itself, and yet be talked of as a plague, Wei-nim thieves, robbers, wretches.


Recent events such as the murder of the queen in 1895 and the demand for waste lands, have unfortunately deepened the conviction that Japan is Corea's natural enemy and here the matter hangs.


What are the causes of this unnatural and extravagant dislike of the Japanese on the part of Coreans? Let me Say first—disposition.
The Coreans says that the Japanese is deceitful and untrustworthy.


No land could possibly make a greater showing for bribery and corruption than Corea herself.
On no piece of ground have men deceived and been deceived more universally than in this peninsula.
No Government ever rexisted that was more iufected  with rottenness to the bones, cheating, defrauding.  But Corea has grown accustomed to and unconscious of her own way of doing such things and sees only fault of others.


"But"they say, “ Japanese are such small people. little in thought and disposition and are so exacting about particulars." This is true: the Japanese are past­masters of detail as is proved by the present war. Nothing is forgotten.


To the smallest items everything is planned for, and no doubt their succes is largely due to this. Corea on the other hund is the most careless country imaginable. She never dreams of planning definitely or of carrying out exactly.


“ Any old way" is quite sufficient for her purpose.
 This is one characteristic that divides these peoples widely, and until Corea is willing to learn from Japan and come somewhat to her way of doing things she will never amount to anything.


Another matter that divides them is their difference in customs and ceremony. The Japanese are a most punctilious people, not only in forms of expression but in genuflexions and scrapings.


Corea has not shadow of this, except from the servile class.
She stands erect and says "Peace" and there it ends. She will push by in the rudest way, she will puff smoke into your face and expectorate all round the horizon without regard to king or courtier.


So different is she from Japan in all matters pertaining to forms of deportment. The Corean puts down all of Japan's polite expressions to innate deceit. Why should a man bow twice you if he does not intend to deceive or to knife you?


Why should any human being suck in his breath so unless he is going to tell a lie? Japan's way is not Corea's, and therefore it is at once open to doubt and suspicion.


Because of his lack of ceremony and seeming rudeness the Corean often meets with a sharp open hand from the lower class Japanese, and. as he never dreams of the cause, he proclaims himself horribly outraged.


One is a land of outward ceremony and one is not.
Still Coreans are really a polite, considerate, and well-meaning people.


They do not know how to express it in ceremonial form, but everyday life with them soon convinces one of this fact.


Another great dividing barrier is dress.
In Japan as we all know the freest easiest custom imaginable prevails.
A man is never hanged for appearing in public in simply a loin-cloth or for even going stark naked.


In Corea, however to act thus would be dreadful.
Coreans never expose their bodies in any such way.
A woman shows off her breasts in triumph to proclaim the fact that she is the mother of a son, but to expose the body otherwise is the mark of a barbarian.


I once journeyed with an Englishman who pitched his tent up on the hillside away from the village, where he would be unmolested. His habit was to strip on a snowy morning and to pour cold water over himself right there in view of the public.


Anyone could see him on the hillside going through the delightful exercise. Of course all the village turned out to see. I lived in an inn and slept meanwhile.


The village elders called on me and said, "You are civilized guest and act as men ought to act, but the honourable gentleman up on the hill yonder outrages the whole wide world by standing there naked and pouring cold water on himself. Think of our women and girls.”


I remarked that I was mortified beyond words to express, hut that the gentleman had an inside mind that required cold water all over his outside body every morning and that if they would not look at him it would be well.


"What country is he from?" they asked.
"From Yong-guk" I replied.
"Dear me, we thought England civilized"
"So it is," I said "but this honorable gentleman has lived long in Japan and drunk much Japan water, hence his present ways."
That explained it all.
The Japanese were barbarians and no man, not even Englishman could live there and not degenerate.


So it is:Japan is responsible for everything.
The Chinese have smuggled along the coast and fished heche-de mer for years.
I have sat on the rocks and watched them, and yet only the Japanese are fish thieves and pirates.


Still another reason for this dislike is the fact that their ideals are different.
Japan is a land of Jujutsu and two-handed sword.


Mere babies of the sunrise Empire wear soldier caps, carry make-believe guns and shout "Banzai"
Their world is the battlefield and their ambition is to rout Kuropatkin.


The Corean has no such thought. The goal of his desire is scholarship where he can pose as Confucious or Yellow Emperor, and lecture his fellow citizen in the language of ancient.


One is the land of the sword and one is the land of the pen.


With what contempt the Corean regards the Japanese cross-strokes and down-stroke and short-stops and dots.
Not one of them will do.


Every one of them is lacking in strength, finish, and form. The rascal may rout 400,000 Russians, but he is not civilised, "see how badly he writes that character and even the horizontal stroke one.”


Corea is saved from insular disgrace by being struck fast to the mainland. While in this Japan fails also. The Japanese are referred to as "island savage" or barbarians. While Corea is little China.


Among all the thousands of Chinese characters that express respect and honour, Japan is accorded not one of them, but is refferel to by the ideograph 倭(dwarf) a miserable character, undignified in thought and sound.


Away back before the invasion of 1591 the King of Corea dreamed that he saw coming in at the Palace gate a wench with a rice sheaf on her hand.
He called the soothsayers in and made inquiry "A she-man with a rice sheaf on her head."


The soothsayers pondered over it and at last brought forth the character. First the man then the rice, and underneath it the female sign, making in all 倭 and thus Japanese invasion was first announced.


In religion too they differ. Buddhism has been regarded by Corea as the lowest form of cult for 500 years.
Not priest in Corea be he ever so learned, but has shot at him day by day lowest forms of address.


In the matter of surnames likewise in which Corea is so particular they differ also.
Kim and Yi and Pak and Cheung and a few others hold sway.
Usually but a single character is used for surname, and that always in accord with what China has sanctioned, but Japan no such civilized custom prevails.


A man may have one character for surname ,or two, or three, or four.
Such surnames, as were never dreamed of, are being printed in all the newspapers.
Even General Hasegawa is ruled out by reason of his name. Long valley stream.
No excellence of ability can quite atone before Corea such a surname as this. Some men are even named Inuyama(Dogmountain). A name like this would make a Corean give up the ghost.


This is the way Corean reasons.
To win a hundred fights against Russia means nothing in view of Japan's disposition, customs, dress, ideals, and religion.
She is hopelessly short of stature and unacquainted with the eternal fitness of things.


To sum up the whole matter Corea's view of Japan is based, not wholly, but to a large extent, on prejudice, ignorance, and superstition.
A dislike of Japan is a part of Corea's bone and fibre and to eradicate it will tax Japan's skill to the utmost.
She is wise however, in her day and generation, and doubtless will win in this fight too.

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