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Tomo ryu or Budo ryu question Anshu Christa Jacobson - Budo Ryu http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=59108 "ok hers what i know.....i have known. christa for a long time . yes she did use to be a man. (as a matter of fact, she was a groomsman in my wedding and i have the pictures to prove it). my problem isnt that, its all the ninjitsu bs she spins on her site. she claims to be a master in ninjitsu but shes only been actually training in ninjitsuy since 2003. she started in kenpo and got her black belt from me and steve crawford. im in the process of researching a invetigating this whole thing. as far for myself...phrost can vouch that i'm a decent guy and not on some vengence kick " |
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They had joint exercise with Japan Defence Forces in Shiga prefecture.
Accordng to Asahi shimbun, they wanted to see "real Ninja" since Shiga was the home of Koka Ninja.
As we know Ninja don't exist anymore.
JDF invited Ninja perfomance group "Ashura" from the Iga Ninja museum and entertained the Army men.
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Anshu Christa Jacobson - Budo Ryu http://www.bullshido.net/forums/showthread.php?t=59108 "ok hers what i know.....i have known. christa for a long time . yes she did use to be a man. (as a matter of fact, she was a groomsman in my wedding and i have the pictures to prove it). my problem isnt that, its all the ninjitsu bs she spins on her site. she claims to be a master in ninjitsu but shes only been actually training in ninjitsuy since 2003. she started in kenpo and got her black belt from me and steve crawford. im in the process of researching a invetigating this whole thing. as far for myself...phrost can vouch that i'm a decent guy and not on some vengence kick " |
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Ninjers always say Ninjutsu was from Sunzi Bingfa.
I post full text of the chapter from Sunzi Bingfa, so please explain how Ninjas learn it and how it became Ninjutsu with reliable sources. No mythology is allowed. Stick with historical facts. As you see the chapter 用間 is very short comparing to Bansenshukai. There's nothing about the series of Shinobi tools. 孫子 用間篇 孫子曰、凡興師十萬、出征千里、百姓之費、公家之奉、日費千金、内外騷動、怠於道路、不得操事者、七十萬家、相守數年、以爭一日之勝、而愛爵祿百金、不知敵之情者、不仁之至也、非人之將也、非主之佐也、非勝之主也、故明君賢將、所以動而勝人、成功出於衆者、先知也、先知者不可取於鬼神、不可象於事、不可驗於度、必取於人、知敵之情者也、 故用間有五、有因間、有内間、有反間、有死間、有生間、五間倶起、莫知其道、是謂神紀、人君之寳也、因間者、因其郷人而用之、内間者、因其官人而用之、反間者、因其敵間而用之、死間者、爲誑事於外、令吾間知之、而傳於敵間也、生間者、反報也、 故三軍之事、莫親於間、賞莫厚於間、事莫密於間、非聖智不能用間、非仁義不能使間、非微妙不能得間之實、微哉微哉、無所不用間也、間事未發而先聞者、間與所告者皆死、 凡軍之所欲撃、城之所欲攻、人之所欲殺、必先知其守將左右謁者門者舍人之姓名、令吾間必索知之、 必索敵人之間來間我者、因而利之、導而舍之、故反間可得而用也、因是而知之、故郷間内間可得而使也、因是而知之、故死間爲誑事、可使告敵、因是而知之、故生間可使如期、五間之事、主必知之、知之必在於反間、故反間不可不厚也、 昔殷之興也、伊摯在夏、周之興也、呂牙在殷、故惟明君賢將、能以上智爲間者、必成大功、此兵之要、三軍之所恃而動也、 |
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It seems this is the only their web site.
Very difficult to find. http://bugekikan.com/Succession-of-Japanese-traditional-martial-arts-culture/all-japan-toudou-federation.html 平成元年に、『刀の道』を極めんと志す者が集う親睦団体で、日本で一番新しく創られた流派です Todo is the newest school in Japan, it is a friendship group for people who want to master the way of sword, established in 1989, 林邦史朗は先輩の中澤敏先生、阿部雅司先生らと共に『抜刀道連盟』に加入していたのですが、新しく自分達で団体を結成しようという事になりました。 Hayashi Kunishiro, Nakazawa Satoshi, Abe Masashi, they used to be members of Batto-do renmei decided to form new group. 日本には現在も様々な剣術や居合の流派がありますが、そんな古の流派のを尊重することはもちろんのこと、 There are variety of Kenjutsu and Iai ryu in Japan, of course we respect the koryu 新しく侍の魂を極めるべく『刀の道』を志す者が集まる場所であれ。 Newly master soul of Samurai, anybody who wants to achieve "way of sword" そんな願いを込めて、『全日本刀道連盟』は平成元年に今は亡き、中澤敏先生が発足をしました。 With all the wish, Zen Nippon Todo Renmei was established in 1989 by Nakazawa Hitoshi. 初代会長には、中澤敏先生が。そして主席師範は林邦史朗が務めました。 First chairman was Nakazawa Satishi, chief Shihan was Hayashi Kunishiro. 日本の、侍文化の象徴である日本刀。 Nihonto is the symbol of Japan's samurai culture. そこにまつわる刀法礼儀を極めることはもちろん、 mastering the manner of Toho and 侍の魂をもって平和に貢献し、 contribute peace with the soul of samurai 古の文化を尊重し、そこに新しい考えを盛り込んでいけるよう、積極的に活動をしています。 respect traditional culture and add new way of thinking in it, we practice positively. Their main office is a local dojo in Hino city. Comparing to Kobudo kyoukai-Budokan, Kendo renmei-Budokan, Judo renmei-Kodokan, Todo renmei is clearly minor organization. Here's their main activity. Chanbara instruction for movies. http://bugekikan.com/Kunishiro-Hayashi-the-sword-fight-choreographer/history.html Hayashi den Ninja Taijutsu Nnjer martial art created by Hayashi. Bugeki Martial art perfomance show. So Todo is rather entertainment? |
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I think the Youtube thread is hard to track comments too.
So I gather my questions for you, please feel free to comment here.
What record? Please specify "mmacconn069 You need to show some kind of record of the 600-700 years. How they connected Ninja.
Your theory is too vague. Anyone can fabricate such a vague thing. Please explain all the details of African tribal warfare tactics and how it reached to China by which persons with primary sources. mmacconn069Please show references of "Chinese espionage system influenced the 3 Kingdoms." I didn't see the 3 kingdoms used the system on Samguk Sagi. mmacconn069 "that the skills would have been learned through conflict with Korea that eventually became the foundation for Ninjutsu."Please show reliable evidence for this. All the things you told were within imagination. No record, no evidence, just like Chosonninja. But the behavior ironically gave credibility to video "A historian analyzes Korean drama" series. -History is something to create for Korean people- |
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This ninjer "tomouryuushinobi" tried to prove that he had real Bujutsu scroll.
However the same pictures were soon discovered at Yahoo Japan Auction. So he just downloaded the pictures from the auction site. Here's response video with the auction site pictures. |
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