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【2025/03/07 12:26 】 |
Tomo Ryu Lineage Version 2010

This is part 1 of a 4 part video series of the Tomo Ryu Shinobi. The Tomo Ryu is the foundation of the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo headed today by Anshu Christa Jacobson. Not all video shown is assco. with the Tomo Ryu, some video was used as an "artistic way" of displaying the development of the Tomo Ryu Koka Ninja. As the series goes on you will see more kata and various techniques of the Tomo Ryu as well as more historical references about the origin of this beautiful art of ninjutusu. For more information on the art of Tomo Ryu or the Budo Ryu Ninjutsu Dojo log on to: http://www.BudoRyuNinjutsu.com


【2013/02/12 01:50 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
Is your master Ninja? No, Ninjer!

Tomo ryu or Budo ryu question

Anshu Christa Jacobson - Budo Ryu
"ok hers what i know.....i have known. christa for a long time . yes she did use to be a man. (as a matter of fact, she was a groomsman in my wedding and i have the pictures to prove it). my problem isnt that, its all the ninjitsu bs she spins on her site. she claims to be a master in ninjitsu but shes only been actually training in ninjitsuy since 2003. she started in kenpo and got her black belt from me and steve crawford. im in the process of researching a invetigating this whole thing. as far for myself...phrost can vouch that i'm a decent guy and not on some vengence kick "
【2013/02/12 00:52 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
U.S. Army enjoyed Ninjer show in Japan
They had joint exercise with Japan Defence Forces in Shiga prefecture. Accordng to Asahi shimbun, they wanted to see "real Ninja" since Shiga was the home of Koka Ninja. As we know Ninja don't exist anymore. JDF invited Ninja perfomance group "Ashura" from the Iga Ninja museum and entertained the Army men.
【2012/11/10 01:47 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
Budo ryu, what a stupid name
Budo ryu 武道流 Budo means martial art so the ryuha name means "martial art scool"
Antony Cummins(he's now cooperating with it) said
i have already addressed this. Budo Ryu is not a Japanese art. It is the name of her school, like Bujinkan.

That doesn't make sense.
Bujinkan is now a big school name but it's named traditional way.
For example, Hokushin Itto ryu - Genbukan, Shindo Munen ryu - Renpeikan.
So Togakure ryu - Bujinkan is OK, but Tomo ryu - Budo ryu is wrong.
Both are ryuha name.
Since Antony admitted his lack of understanding Japanese, I'm not surprised but he can't tell people it's the correct way.


According to legend Tomo Ryu Shinobijutsu (戸隠流忍術)was developed in the Kemmu Restoration (建武の新政)

It says Tomo ryu but the kanji is Togakure ryu 戸隠流.
What kind of trick is that?

Here's CJ's imaginary sensei Kobayashi Ichiro.The name sounds like John Smith, very very common name.

"Years later he met a woman that he passed down the knowledge"
Though the woman don't look woman. So manly.

I am going to write about Budo ryu in Japanese to let J-people know how ninjers distort our history.
【2011/02/01 15:40 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
Tomo ryu(Budo ryu) question

Anshu Christa Jacobson - Budo Ryu
"ok hers what i know.....i have known. christa for a long time . yes she did use to be a man. (as a matter of fact, she was a groomsman in my wedding and i have the pictures to prove it). my problem isnt that, its all the ninjitsu bs she spins on her site. she claims to be a master in ninjitsu but shes only been actually training in ninjitsuy since 2003. she started in kenpo and got her black belt from me and steve crawford. im in the process of researching a invetigating this whole thing. as far for myself...phrost can vouch that i'm a decent guy and not on some vengence kick "
【2011/02/01 13:39 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
The Sunzi bingfa 孫子兵法 用間篇
Ninjers always say Ninjutsu was from Sunzi Bingfa.
I post full text of the chapter from Sunzi Bingfa, so please explain how Ninjas learn it and how it became Ninjutsu with reliable sources.
No mythology is allowed.
Stick with historical facts.
As you see the chapter 用間 is very short comparing to Bansenshukai.
There's nothing about the series of Shinobi tools.

孫子 用間篇






【2010/08/26 12:00 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
What is Zen Nippon Todo Renmei?
It seems this is the only their web site.
Very difficult to find.

Todo is the newest school in Japan, it is a friendship group for people who want to master the way of sword, established in 1989,

Hayashi Kunishiro, Nakazawa Satoshi, Abe Masashi, they used to be members of Batto-do renmei decided to form new group.

There are variety of Kenjutsu and Iai ryu in Japan, of course we respect the koryu

Newly master soul of Samurai, anybody who wants to achieve "way of sword"

With all the wish, Zen Nippon Todo Renmei was established in 1989 by Nakazawa Hitoshi.

First chairman was Nakazawa Satishi, chief Shihan was Hayashi Kunishiro.

Nihonto is the symbol of Japan's samurai culture.

mastering the manner of Toho and

contribute peace with the soul of samurai

respect traditional culture and add new way of thinking in it, we practice positively.

Their main office is a local dojo in Hino city.
Comparing to Kobudo kyoukai-Budokan, Kendo renmei-Budokan, Judo renmei-Kodokan, Todo renmei is clearly minor organization.

Here's their main activity. Chanbara instruction for movies.

Hayashi den Ninja Taijutsu

Nnjer martial art created by Hayashi.

Martial art perfomance show.

So Todo is rather entertainment?
【2010/06/27 15:38 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
To mmacconn069
I think the Youtube thread is hard to track comments too.
So I gather my questions for you, please feel free to comment here.

"I am saying the first records of Japanese espionage use appeared circa 600 AD, "

What record?
Please specify

eventually, 600-700 years later (1100-1200 ADish), they became the Ninja,"

You need to show some kind of record of the 600-700 years.
How they connected Ninja.

"Same thing applies to China developing espionage tactics from India and so-on back to African tribal warfare tactics. "

Your theory is too vague.
Anyone can fabricate such a vague thing.
Please explain all the details of African tribal warfare tactics and how it reached to China by which persons with primary sources.

"China had a well developed espionage system which was most certainly influencing on the 3 Kingdoms during their wars."

Please show references of "Chinese espionage system influenced the 3 Kingdoms." I didn't see the 3 kingdoms used the system on Samguk Sagi.
mmacconn069 "that the skills would have been learned through conflict with Korea that eventually became the foundation for Ninjutsu."
Please show reliable evidence for this.
All the things you told were within imagination. No record, no evidence, just like Chosonninja. But the behavior ironically gave credibility to video "A historian analyzes Korean drama" series.
-History is something to create for Korean people-
【2010/06/19 02:07 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
This ninjer "tomouryuushinobi" tried to prove that he had real Bujutsu scroll.
However the same pictures were soon discovered at Yahoo Japan Auction.
So he just downloaded the pictures from the auction site.

Here's response video with the auction site pictures.
【2010/05/03 05:54 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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