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A boy recording Tsunami from his house then he decided to escape with his puppy. (He survived )
Suveillance camera in Iwate PR
Iga city organized an event called "Club Ninja Roppongi Night 2013" in February.
I was wondering what it was like and found a blog about it. There was an almost naked woman as Kunoichi, she did sexy Ninja dance show. Roppongi is known as drunk foreigner town so maybe they wanted to attract sukebe foreigners. But do people in Iga expect that kind of image for Iga? More photos here. http://ameblo.jp/yo41/entry-11175517153.html |
KENDO from Clashproduction on Vimeo. |
I told you Ninja is kid's thingy in Japan. |
I have no idea what kind of company this is.
"We deliver Ninja to you" "We do not accept criminal acts like theft, destruction, assault" "No Ninjutsu service" http://www.ninja-deli.com/ |
My Korea MA related videos suddenly baited these guys who favorited porn like videos but it seems all the accounts are owend by a single person.
liImasyakong Whoot Power NormHishcock poodIe8noodle |
WJF Award November BuffonSarutobi!
http://wondrousjapanforever.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/12/11wjf-3c12.html I was offered a prize but I donated it for WJF project. |
Me and many other Japanese who recently had an argument with some Haidong gumdo guys are receiving this same message. The title is "fucking cunt"