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【2025/02/20 21:12 】 |
Evaluation of Japanese swords in old Korea

【2016/03/26 08:44 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
1764 Edo (Tokyo) from Ildong Jangyuga 日東壮遊歌
십육일 우장입고 강호(에도)로 들어갈 때 왼편은 여염이요, 오른편은 대해로다. 피산 대해 하여 옥야천리 생겼는데, 누대제택 사치함과 인물남녀 번성하다. 성첩이 정장한 거소가 교량주즙 기특한 것 대판성(오사카) 서경보다 삼배나 더하구나. 좌우의 구경꾼이 하 장하고 무수 하니, 서어한 붙끝으로 아루 기록 못하겠다. 삼십리 오는 길에 빈틈없이 묶었으니, 대체로 세어보면, 백만이 여럿일세 여색의 미려하기 명호옥(나고야)와 일반이다.

十六日、雨支度で江戸に入る。左側には家が連なり、右側は大海に臨む。 見渡す限り山はなく、沃野千里をなしている。楼閣屋敷の贅沢な造り、人々の賑わい男女の華やかさ。 城壁の整然たるさま、橋梁、舟楫の立派なことまで、大阪より三倍も勝って見える。 左右の野次馬の数の多さに目を見張る。我が筆先では、とても書き表せない。 三里ばかりの道程は、人の群れで埋め尽くされ、ざっと数えてみても、百万にはのぼりそうだ。女人のあでやかなること、名古屋に匹敵する。

16th, I entered Edo in rain wear. Houses lined up on the left side, the other side was ocean. No mountain but fertile land as far as I could see. Luxury mansions, busy people, gorgeousness of men and women. Tidy walls, nice bridges and boats, it looked three times greater than Osaka. I was amazed to see so many curious crowds. My clumsy pen cannot describe. About 3ri distance of the street was filled with crowds, roughly counted one million. Glamorous of women was comparable to Nagoya.
【2016/03/01 12:24 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
1764 Nagoya from Ildong Jangyuga 日東壮遊歌
Original (1764-02-03 Nagoya)
번화하고 장려하기 대판성(오사카)와 일반이다. 밤빛이 어두워서 비록 자세 못 보아도 산천이 광활하고 생식이 번성하며 전답이 기름지고 가사에 사치하기 일로의 제일이라. 중원에도 흔치 않으니, 우리나라 삼경을 갸륵다 하건마는 예 비하여 보게되면 매몰하기 가이 없네. (중략) 인물이 명미 하여 연로에 으뜸이다.

(日本語訳) 繁華で壮麗なことは、大阪と一緒だ。 夜に入り灯火が暗く、よくは見えぬが、山川広大で人口が多く、田地が肥沃で、家屋の贅沢なつくりは沿路随一といえる。 中原にも見当たらないであろう。我が国の三京(平壌、開城、ソウル)もたいそう立派だが、この地に比べれば、寂しい限りである。 (中略)人々の容姿のすぐれていることも、沿路随一である。

Bustle and splendor as Osaka. It entered the night, I couldn't see well but it seemed there were broad mountains and rivers, large population, fertile farms, and luxury of houses was the most ever in this trip.
You won't find the scenic in Nanjing.
Korean capitols(PyongYang, Kesong, Seoul) were also wonderful but too shabby comparing to Nagoya. (...) People have best looking in this trip.
【2016/01/06 12:21 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
1764 Kyoto from Ildong Jangyuga 日東壮遊歌
(1764-01-28 Kyoto)
토지가 기름 져서 전답이 매우 좋네.
이십리 실상사가 삼사상 조복할 때 나는 내리쟎고, 왜성으로 바로 가니,
인민이 부려하기 대판(오사카)만은 못하여도 서에서 동에 가기 삼십리라 하는 구나
관사는 본룡사요, 오층 문루 위에 열 아문 구리 기둥 운소에 닿았구나.
수석도 기절하고, 죽수도 유취있네. 애황이 사는 데라 사치가 측량 없다.
산형이 웅장하고 수세도 환포하여 옥야 천리 생겼으니, 아깝고 애닳을 손
이리 좋은 천부금탕 왜 놈의 기물되어 칭제 칭왕하며 전자 전손 하니
개돝같은 비린 유를 다 모두 소탕하고 사천리 육십주를
조선땅 만들어서 옹화에 목욕감겨 예의국을 만들ㅤㄱㅗㅍ다.

二 里ほどで実相寺に着くと、三使臣は朝服に着替えられるが、私は駕籠を降りないまま、倭城(京都)へ入る。人民が富める様は大阪には及ばないが、都の西から 東までの距離は三里だという。館舎は本能寺で、五層の楼門の上に十個あまりの銅輪を施した相輪が、天高くそびえている。
山 の姿は雄壮で、河は野をめぐって流れ、沃野千里を成しているが、惜しんで余りあることは、このように豊かな金城湯池がなぜ倭奴の所有であり、帝だ皇だと称 し、子々孫々に伝えられているかということである。この犬豚にも等しい輩を皆ことごとく掃討して、四百里六十州を朝鮮の国土とし、朝鮮王の徳をもって、礼 節の国としたいものだ。

Fertile land, farms were excellent.  We arrived at Jisso-ji temple in 2ri, then 3 of us changed to court robe (Jobok) but I entered Kyoto whithout getting off from the palanquin.
The people's wealth was behind Osaka, the distance between west and east (of Kyoto's city limit) was 3ri.
We stayed in Honno-ji temple which had 5 layers of Rōmon with 10 copper S
ōrins towering sky high. Suiseki in the garden were beautiful, bamboos and trees were tasteful.
Immeasurable luxry because it was where Japanese King lived.(*1)
Appearance of the mountains were majestic, the river ran through fields that created vast fertile land.
It was so frustrated to see Waenom (*2) to own such a rich and robust castle and passing self-claimed Emperors for generations.
I had desire to kill all dog-like Japanese and occupy the whole land.
And it will become the country of courtesy with virtue of Korean King.

*1- Koreans don't like to call Japanese Emperor because Emperor must be only Chinese in Sinocentrism sense.
*2- Korean racial slur to Japanese.

【2015/11/09 09:21 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
1764 Osaka from Ildong Jangyuga 日東壮遊歌
A friend of mine translated some from Ildong Jangyuga 일동장유가 日東壮遊歌/金仁謙 written by a Joseon(Korean) mission to Japan. It described mid Edo period Japan pretty well so I decided to translate them in English.

Original (1764-01-22 Osaka)
마농수의 숙소 곁에 높은 난간 위에 앉아 사면을 바라보니, 지형도 기절하고 인호도 많을시고 백안이나 되어 뵌다. 우리나라 도성 안은 동에서 서에 오기 십리라 하지마는 채 십리가 못되는데, 부귀한 재상들도 백간집이 금법이요, 다 모두 흙기와를 이었어도 장타는데, 장할 손 왜놈들은 천간이나 지었으며, 그 중에 호부한 놈 구리기와 이어놓고, 황금으로 집을 꾸며 사치키 이상하고, 남에서 북에 오기 백리나 거의 되되, 여염이 빈 틈 없이 빽빽이 들었으며, 한 가운데 낭화강이 남북으로 흘러가니, 천하에 이러한 경 또 어디 있단 말고? 북경을 본 역관이 행중에 와 있으되, 중원의 장려하기 이에서 낫잖다네. 이러한 좋은 세계 해외에 배판하고, 더럽고 못쓸씨로 구혈을 삼아 있어 주평왕 때 입국하여 이제까지 이천년을 흥망을 모르고서 한 성으로 전하여서 인민이 생식하여 이처럼 번성하니, 모를 이는 하늘이라. 가탄하고 가한이라.

美濃太守の宿舎の傍らの高殿にのぼり、四方を眺めると、地形は変化に富み、人家も多く、百万戸ほどもありそうだ。 我が国の都城のうちは、東から西に至るまで一里というが、実際は一里に及ばない。富貴な宰相も百間をもつ邸は御法度。屋根をすべて瓦葺きにしていることに、感心しているのに、大したものよ倭人は。千間もある邸を建て、その中でも豪富の輩は、銅をもって屋根を葺き、黄金で家を飾りたてている。その奢侈は異常なほどだ。南から北に至るまで、ほぼ十里といわれる。土地はすべて利用され、人家、商店が軒を連ねて立ち並び、中央に浪花江が南北に流れている。天下にこのような眺め、またいずこの地で見られようか? 北京を見た訳官が一行に加わっているが、かの中原の壮麗さも、この地に及ばないという。 このような良き世界も、海の外から渡ってきた。汚れた愚かな種族で、獣のようで、周の平王のときに入国して、今日まで二千年、興亡と関わりなく、ひとつの姓を伝えて、人民も繁殖して、このように富み栄えているが、知らぬは天ばかり。嘆くべし恨むべし。

I went up to top of  the high rise building near where the lord of Mino was resting. I looked around, the topography varied considerably, many people many houses, I guess there's a million houses.
From east to west of citadels in our country(Joseon Korea) were said to be 1ri but actual length was less than 1ri. Even prime minister was prohibited to own a mansion with 100ken frontage.
I am impressed that all the Japanese houses have tiled roofs. Building 1000ken frontage mansions, some of those wealthy people have copper roof and gold decolation.  The luxury is almost insane. The space from south to north was said to be 10ri. There's no abandoned property, land was filled with houses and shops, Naniwa river on the center from south to north. Does such a view exist anywhere else in the world? Our translater who had been to Beijing said even the Chinese splendor city was behind this city.
Only heaven don't know that filthy-beasty-dummies from overseas migrated to here during the time of King Ping of Zhou have inherited a surname, increased population, flourished for 2000 years being away from rise and fall.
I mourn and curse.
【2015/10/31 05:32 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Kunii Zenya who saved Japanese martial arts
America banned martial arts in Japan after WWII.
But Japan got it back by defeating marine's bayonet instructor with a wooden sword.
The swordsman was Kunii Zenya.

【2014/12/31 12:20 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Good Japanese history programs in English
PBS Empires
Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire

【2013/06/14 11:33 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Old pictures of Tea ceremony
【2012/04/08 08:07 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Old pictures of Japanese courtesans
【2012/04/08 08:06 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Pictures of Samurai in 19th century with names
【2012/04/08 08:05 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
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