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【2025/02/22 17:41 】 |
『洪吉童伝』の著者として有名な許筠は、朝鮮各地の美味珍味を列記した『屠門大嚼』を1611年に著しましたが、それによれば、お茶は全羅南道産が最も良く、全羅北道産がそれに次ぐそうです。 朝鮮にもお茶があったのかと思いましたが、17世紀初めには朝鮮でもまだお茶を栽培しているところがあって、その後すたれたということかもしれません。

また享保年間に釜山の和館で勤務した朝鮮通詞松原新左衛門の『朝鮮物語抄』には、朝鮮人の喫茶についてこう書いています。 「朝鮮にて日本の挽き茶とて日本の茶を殊の外賞翫仕り候。日本と違い、朝鮮は肉食を強仕り候。肉食の後、日本の茶を用い候えば胸を押し上げ候て殊の外能きものと申す由候。朝鮮王より対馬守殿へ所望にても送られ、また対馬守より起りても送られ。玆に因って日本の茶、朝鮮に絶えず之れ有り候。其れ故朝鮮王常々の呑茶は日本宇治の茶を用いられと申し候事。」
【2014/10/26 10:37 】 | ウリジナル | 有り難いご意見(0)
Purple hair
【2014/10/26 10:19 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
Anime Jiraiya Ep1
【2014/10/17 06:49 】 | Movies | 有り難いご意見(0)
Ki vs MMA
【2014/10/05 14:08 】 | Funny stuff | 有り難いご意見(0)
Odawara Ninja Tourism
Odawara city realized that Ninja attracts tourists.
Fuma festival will be held in 30, 31 Aug.

【2014/08/22 13:45 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
Korean scholars called ” Journey to the West ” also originated in Korea

 [ World Wide Web roundup we all know , " Journey to the West " is one of China's four famous , original for WuChengEn . " Journey to the West " not only in the Chinese mainland, overseas has also been repeatedly remade into movies and TV series. But South Korea is still some scholars on the " Origins" issue Chinese classical literature suspicious. Japan Livedoor News Network August 8 Journal article said that as much as South Korean scholars believe , " " Journey to the West " originated in Korea ."

Reported that the reason why the scholars raised this insight , because China Suizhou will be August 9 to 10 held a ” Journey to the West ” related seminars. Journey participants will conduct academic myth from Suizhou defined and the United Nations intends to apply ” ” Journey to the West ” birthplace ” title. In this regard , some Korean scholars expressed dissatisfaction. A study of Korean scholars engaged in myth claimed that “Over the years studied Korean scholars proved that the” Journey to the West ” originated in Korea , China ‘s government and academia is just wishful thinking that ” Journey to the West ” originated in China , in my opinion , this is really overreaching , simply ridiculous. their approach is historical irresponsible . “

In order to increase their persuasiveness , the scholar also provides so-called evidence , ” ” Journey to the West ” originated in Korea ,” the . He said: “Road Temple preserved the scriptures of the Tripitaka Master sutras brought back at the same time , and now South Korea’s Jirisan story called ‘ Flower and Fruit ‘, folk also spread Jiri mountain monkey god lived . legends , which are consistent with the ” Journey to the West ” plot . ” he also said that they would pay close attention to trends in China and South Korea to send scholars to participate in Suizhou seminar.

more on http://www.enews163.com/2014/08/09/korean-scholars-called-journey-to-the-west-also-originated-in-korea-korea-huaguoshan-42780.html

【2014/08/16 14:20 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
私たち日本人は、忍者にどのようなイメージを持っているでしょうか?  訳者が「忍者」と聞いて思い浮かべるのは猿飛佐助や、手裏剣、屋敷の天井に忍び込んで梅干しを見ながら唾液だけで何日も過ごすといったものでしょうか。 ここに書いた知識は訳者が聞きかじった中途半端な知識なので、忍者マニアの方からお叱りを受けるでしょう。しかし、西洋では訳者のイメージよりも大幅にズレた不可解な忍者像が浸透しているのです。 今日は、io9がまとめた「不可解な西洋のニンジャキャラクター10選」を紹介したいと思います。
続きはリンク先で http://news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw1190994?
【2014/08/15 11:32 】 | 海外のニンジャ情報 | 有り難いご意見(0)
10 White People Who Inexplicably Became Ninjas
Ninjutsu, the art of the ninja, is an ancient, closely guarded tradition of stealth, martial arts and assassination that is only taught to the most skilled of Japanese warriors… and pretty much any white dude who happens to be in the neighborhood. Seriously, it's like ninjas have their own version of Affirmative Action just for white guys, and thus several Euro-Americans have managed to snag honorary ninja degrees when they had no business doing so. Here are 10 of 'em. http://io9.com/10-white-people-who-inexplicably-became-ninjas-1614637484
【2014/08/15 11:29 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(0)
The Ebay Ninja イーベイ忍者
【2014/08/15 10:44 】 | JuzoOtomo videos | 有り難いご意見(0)
Bujinkan on TV show 2014-Aug
From 17:10

This TV show interviews foreign visitors at Narita airport and ask the visitor's purpose.
@17:42 the guy said Noda city, Bujinkan.

The caption says Bujinkan : a ruleless practical martial arts with modern arranged Ninjutsu.

【2014/08/08 11:54 】 | Ninjers | 有り難いご意見(2)
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