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Japan Ninjutsu Association Ninjutsu School
http://yagyuu.ninpou.jp/index.html Kenjutsu Shurikenjutsu Hojutsu Kyujutsu Fukiyajutsu Taijutsu Oriental medicine http://yagyuu.ninpou.jp/study.html 1day class 2000Yen 2days class 4000Yen Certification Rental costume, Ninja tools (Cheap and fast!!) http://yagyuu.ninpou.jp/course.html Address 2188 Sakahara Nara-shi Nara-ken 〒630-1241 〒630-1241 奈良県奈良市阪原2188 http://yagyuu.ninpou.jp/map.html |
The Last Ninja Doron Doron / Fujita Seiko This book is his biography written by himself, originally published in 1958. Summary abstract 1. When he was 6, he slashed 11 people with a policeman sword. 2. When he was 6, he spent 4 months in Chichibu mountains with Yamabushi. 3. He jumped from 14m high with no damage. 4. When he was 13, he was stabbed 15cm deep with bamboo spear and cured in 3 days without any treatment. 5. He received psychic power in Mitsumine mountain.(Chichibu) 6. He was able to see near future. 7. He had telegnosis. 8. He was able to eat burning charcoal, drink boiling water. 9. He ate his own flesh. 10. He won a competiton with John Kentel who held world best mighty man record. 11. He was able to cure deseases that other doctors gave up. 12. He received a secret mission to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek. |
Shidoshi Frank Dux the succesor of the Tanaka clan, the Koga Yamabushi Ryu Ninjitsu which has his roots in the Yagyu Ryu samurai school of swordmanship. Sensei Frank Dux is teaching a seminar and is also teaching the 12 angles of attack with a baseball bat, Ninja training under grandmaster Frank Dux himself 指導士フランク・ダックスは柳生流剣術に祖を持つ甲賀山伏流忍術田中氏の後継者である。 フランク・ダックス先生はセミナーで教えたり、野球バットで12角度アタックや忍者トレーニングを教えている。 |
武神館のニンジャさんで最近「甲賀流忍術の秘密」というを自費出版したそう。 (ニンジャの皆さんは総じて~の秘密という言葉に弱い) 内容は藤田西湖の「忍術からスパイ戦へ」の英訳。 スコットさん大推薦だけど藤田西湖も眉唾ものと考えるオイラはエンターテイメント本として愉しめばいいんじゃないか?程度。 1942年出版ということだから戦争まっただ中か。 藤田西湖は「最後の忍者どろんどろん」ぐらいしか読んだこと無いがまあアレだ、昭和風味のホラ吹き。 うまい具合にまとめられてるので引用する。 http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2133998860864610701 |
http://www.coloradospringsninjutsu.com/Welcome.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/don-roley/the-secrets-of-koga-ryu-ninjutsu/paperback/product-22478742.html I am skeptical with Fujita Seiko |