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【2025/02/23 21:30 】 |
百人番所 (Hyakunin-bansho) 100 samurai guardhouse of Edo-jo Castle in Tokyo

(Old Guards House)
Working place for (former)Ninja who used to protect the Edo castle.
There are several guard houses(known as checkpoints) from ohtemon to the main edo castle building.
The most strict checkpoint was called “hundred-guards house”.
(Hyakunin means 100 persons.)

At that time, Negoro, Iga, Kōka and Nijugoki were guarding the castle as a last guard house.
Buffon note
If you know some Ninja history, you know Ieyasu hired many Musket Ashigaru from Iga, Koka region when he started new Shogunate government.
They were given Dōshin class which was low rank Samurai.
So they were no longer Ninjas but Tokugawa retainers.

【2013/08/16 02:26 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)
武芸図譜通志の鋭刀を一部英訳 Muye Dobo Tonji - Yedo


「昔の刀剣は戦闘に使うことができた。 ゆえに唐・太宗には剣士1,000人がいた。

The olden sword art was used in combat. The 2nd Emperor of the Chinese Tang Dynasty had 1,000 swordsmen. Now the methods are not passed on.
There are some writings about the sword methods in some documents, but they are not accurate.
Recently a dilettante acquired the secret methods from Korea and they are well systematized. Truly what was lost in China can only be found in the Tungwoon (The book of classical Chinese rhyme) of the western area or the Sang su (ancient Chinese books) of Japan.

Turtle Press's MDT describes 唐太宗 as "The founding King of Tang Dynasty", 唐太宗 is Emperor Taizong of Tang,  the second emperor of Tang.

【2013/08/12 02:18 】 | ウリジナル | 有り難いご意見(2)
Mongol and Korean Horseback Performance and Horseback Archery was originated in Korea?

The Korean article says this is Muye=martial art but I am not sure how this is effective in war.

Mongol. It seems they perform it for entertainment purpose.

According to Mindan which is the biggest Korean community in Japan claims Horseback Archery was originated in Korea.

【2013/08/12 01:12 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)


彼らに同情的かつ好意的な上司のときは厚遇された。 だが朝鮮の役人は3年ぐらいで転勤してしまう。

【2013/08/07 10:44 】 | 朝鮮史関連 | 有り難いご意見(2)
Ninja in an Airport in Japan!!
【2013/08/04 10:45 】 | Miscellaneous | 有り難いご意見(0)
Asiana Airplane Crash and Korean Culture

Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo had an interesting article.
http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2013/07/15/2013071501692.html(need resistration)

NTSB의 '조종사 과실' 주장 대응 5계명
5 bright ideas to against "Pilot's error" by NTSB

1. 초기부터 적극적인 ‘언론 대응
1. Launch a verbal battle agressively from the beginning.

특 히 NSTB가 적극적으로 펼치고 잇는 협상전략이 바로 우리 조종사들의 자질을 폄하하여 사고 원인으로 몰고 가는 ‘우물에 독약타기(Poisoning the well)’ 즉, 언론을 통한 신뢰·자질 흠집 내기 전략임을 명심해야 한다. 우리도 NTSB와 보잉의 공정성과 신뢰·자질에 지속적인 문제 제기를 언론을 통해 하는 것이다.
NTSB is trying to deprecate quality of the pilots of our country to blame the accident "Poisoning the well"
Their strategy is damaging our quality, we must provoke problem of fairness of NTSB and Boeing through the media.

2. 미국 국민들도 보잉사 기체결함 항공기의 희생자가 될 수 있음을 부각시켜라
2.Propagate American people can be victim of Boeing's defected airplane.

 ‘공공의 적(Common enemy)으로 몰아가라’ 전략이다.
Create common enemy, it is a strategy.

3. 우호적인 기관 및 단체와 ‘연합 전선’을 형성하라
Form a coalision with friendly organizations.

‘공공의 적’ 전략을 한층 공고히 하기 위해선 한국과 같은 피해자 입장에 있는 기관이나 단체와의 연대대응 동맹연합(Alliance) 전략이 필수적이다.
To strengthen operation "Public Enemy" it is neccesary to foam an alliance with victim orgamizations like Korea.

즉 악감정이 있는 항공사들과 적절하게 동맹관계를 형성해 합동대응하는 것이다.
In other words, joint coalition with airline companies that hold bad feelings toward NTSB.

4. 한국 정부는 외교채널을 통해 항의 수위를 높여라
The Korean government needs to protest through diplomatic channels.

5. FX 사업참가 업체인 보잉에게 대한민국 국민정서를 악화시키지 않는 게 좋을 것이라고 경고 압박하라.
5.Warn Boeing that Anti-America feeling among Koreans could effect selecting F-X.

 만약 ‘조종사 과실’로 계속 몰고 간다면 수조원 짜리 FX 사업에서 보잉을 선택하는 정부를 대한민국 국민들은 용서치 않을 것이다.
If they blame the pilot, Korean people will not allow their government to buy F-X from Boeing.

 이런 협상전략은 결국 미국 정부에게 더 이상 NTSB가 부당하고 파행적으로 보잉을 감싸고 도는 행위에 제동을 거는 효과를 낳을 것이다.
Negotiation strategy like that will make the American government put pressure on NTSB.

【2013/07/26 08:37 】 | Korea Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Korean Martial Arts: Why and How They Steal Other Countries' Martial Arts
【2013/07/21 02:29 】 | Other Critiques | 有り難いご意見(0)
Ganryujima Memorial Match

Kendo, Naginata Associations, JDF Kokura Camp and Ninten Ichi Ryu participated.
【2013/07/10 11:15 】 | Miscellaneous | 有り難いご意見(0)
Good Japanese history programs in English
PBS Empires
Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire

【2013/06/14 11:33 】 | History | 有り難いご意見(0)
New Koreation - Kumyedo

They use sword that is so similar to Samurai sword as usual and they wear costume that is so similar to Japanese as usual then claim it's Korean tradition as usual.

【2013/05/15 08:25 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
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