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【2024/10/16 07:30 】 |



ところで久々に高松寿嗣でググってみて面白いことがわかった。20年ぐらい前までは高松寿嗣は大日本武徳会の初代会長だったとかいうホラを吹いてたんだが(過去のエントリー参照)、そんなすぐバレるホラを突っ込まれてその後天津武徳会の初代会長とすり替えた。で、最近はそれが日本民国青年武徳会という名称に変化してるんだw 戦前のあの時代に「日本民国」なんて呼ぶか? 

【2019/12/09 14:51 】 | 戸隠流 | 有り難いご意見(0)
Real ninjer actor inherited Bujinkan from Hatsumi

The lead actor of a superhero series in 80'S was appointed to be the 35th Soke of Togakure ryu by Hatsumi sensei.
The actor Tsutsui anounced on his blog.

The superhero series was called Sekai Ninja Sen Jiraiya, aired in 88~89. I'm sure it's well known among Ninjers since Hatsumi himself was one of the casts.

Hatsumi chose the most approppreate man for the fantasy ryuha.

【2019/12/09 13:33 】 | Togakure | 有り難いご意見(0)
Amazon link



【2019/01/11 12:45 】 | 歴史の中の忍者 | 有り難いご意見(0)
Did Ninja really wear the black costume?
Book title : Reality of Japanese tradition.
Author : Seido Fujii
Amazon link

Quote from the book

"Fortunately, peacefull time goes on in Edo period. Around 1760's, fictional Ninja or Ninjutsu started appearing in theatre or books. Jiraiya, Tobikato, Goemon Ishikawa...etc.  In theatre, Ninja had to be distinguished easilly. So the black Ninja costume was beginning to seen in Joruri or Kabuki at the time. 
Wearing such a costume in real world was like appealing that I was a suspicious man."

"Sexy Kunoichi Ninja was most likely invented by Futaro Yamada."

"It was said that Ryotaro Shiba or Sanpei Shirato were the ones who brought ranks in Ninja society.
 Bansenshukai described Jonin but it meant a Ninja who's good at Ninjutsu and there was no Chunin or Genin."
【2019/01/11 12:41 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Climbing a wall with Ninja Sword myth

One of well known Ninjustu "Using a sword as a step when climbing a wall." 
I'm not sure who or when the myth was created but there's a description about it on the Edo period book called "Kenko Shinron" (剣甲新論 1865) written by Oken Suzuki.
The book is about swords.

【2018/03/19 08:40 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)



コレに関して江戸後期の文書「剣甲新論」 にこのような記述があるそう。
<『剣甲新論』慶応紀元乙丑晩秋新刻・水藩 鈴木黄軒>


【2018/03/13 08:30 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)

中宗7年5月戌申条 (1512年)


漆原縣囚倭人 要時羅, 語通事曰: "我等永爲朝鮮人必矣, 本道凡事, 何不直言哉? 前日接戰時, 死倭子壻弟姪等, 請於島主, 請兵隣島, 攻朝鮮, 島主曰: ‘若不永和, 則先攻巨濟事議之。’ 今年內出兵來攻明矣。 自對馬島, 距此境四十八息。 夜暗無月, 乘昏發船, 侵晨下陸, 則朝鮮人未及禦敵矣。 不獨此也, 深遠之國花加大國所在時老未者, 能變作形體, 陣中入歸時則似鼠, 還出時則如烏鳥, 變行無窮, 雖稠人列在左右, 不得解見。 欲求請此人, 城柵屋舍焚燒設計事, 對馬之人, 紛紛開說。 予乃聞知而出來。" 云 啓下兵曹。 兵曹啓, "要時羅等言, 島主欲請花加大國能變形體人助戰之說, 恐動明白, 且涉怪誕矣。然接戰時敗死人子壻弟姪等, 報復設計, 巨濟鎭爲先攻擊事, 島主前請說等語, 似爲不虛, 防備諸事, 益加謹愼事, 左右道移文何如?" 允之。



【2017/11/27 05:26 】 | 歴史の中の忍者 | 有り難いご意見(0)
Ninja recorded on Korean historical record
If you are expecting Korean Ninja, sorry not.
This is rather a proof of there was no Ninja in Korea.

Annals of Joseon Dynasty
Jungjong annals 15
Jungjong 7th May 5th (1512 May)
This record was written 2 years after Sanbo-No-Ran (Riot by Japanese settlers in Korea)

The Japanese prisoner Yoshira (要時羅) testified to the interpreter 

"I tell you everything I know because I'm gonna have to be Korean rest of my life.
The Japanese whose family members were killed during the riot asked the lord of Tsushima (So clan) to send troops.

The lord said if they don't make peace, he would plan to send troops to Koje(巨濟).
It is obvious they will come within this year.
It is only 48soku from Tsushima to here, Koreans won't be able to defend if they land during dawn.
And what is more, there are Shinomi(時老未) in Hakata(花加大).
They are good at disguise. They can sneak into enemy camp like mouse, escape like bird.
No guard can notice.
Tsushima recruited them to set fire on camps.
I heard people from Tsushima talking about it."

The testimony was reported to King and King told to The Military Affairs.
The Military Affairs told to King "What Yoshira said about Tsushima brings people good at disguise from Hakata is ridiculous, it's obvious the story is for scaring us.
But asking Tsushima to take revenge seems to be true. It is better to order to secure defence."

According to Professor Shosuke Murai (Tokyo University), Yoshira is Yoshiro(与四郎) , Shinomi is Shinobi. This testimony proves there were Shinobi in Hakata area in those days. (Of course Hakata is Kyushu Japan) And that means Sengoku war lords were hiring Shinobi.
【2017/11/21 15:51 】 | Ninja History | 有り難いご意見(0)
Hapkido : Choi Yong Sool didn't learn from Sokaku.
Korean paper Joong Ang Ilbo provoked Hapkido issue again.

Title "Is Hapkido a Japanese martial art? Knower doesn't think so"


"Hapkido is one of popular martial arts in Korea but has many disputes because Hapkido and Aikido are in same chinese characters, founder Choi Yong Sool first learnt Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu from Takeda Sokaku so people recognize Hapkido is a Japanese martial art."

"So many different associations and each Hapkido dojo teaches different techniques, many disciples open new dojo just after learning a few months. "

"Researcher Lee Ho Cheol says : Hapkido is strictly Korean culture. People should recognize its superiority rather than pointing out the bad side."

"Indonesia and Malaysia do not dispute origin of Silat."

"Choi learnt Daito-ryu from Sokaku with Ueshiba Morihei. Ueshiba started Aikido, Choi started Hapkido."

"There is a theory that Daito-ryu was originated in Three Kindoms era Korea."

"Some people suggest to change name but Hapkido is already well known name world wide and origin dispute exists only in Korea."

The purpose of the article is that Hapkido was from Aiki Jujutsu but Korean added kickings'n stuffs so now it's Korean martial art. (Same theory as TKD)
The article sounds like it's wasting to dispute origin of Hapkido but never forget to insert it  originated in Three Kingdoms hoax. 
Such a theory exists only among Korean ethno centrists.

Another hoax in the article is Choi learnt from Sokaku.
As I said on "Verification of Hapkido History" video, there's no trace that Choi was Sokaku's pupil. Sokaku didn't own a dojo, he taught to people who paid and invited him.
Sokaku left the record and Choi wasn't listed.
【2017/11/02 09:58 】 | Uriginal Issue | 有り難いご意見(0)
Togakure Ninja

I thought I had to clarify this,

Togakure Ninja is fictional ninja.

You might think "What about Ninja tools in the museum in Togakushi village"
All the Ninja tools in the museum were donated by Hatsumi.
Nobody knows how he got them, they never been examined by scholars.
I am pretty sure that they were made to display in the museum just like Ninja tools in the Iga Ninjutsu museum.

There are official Togakushi village journals in Nagano Library.
The only description about Togakure Ninja was about the museum.
Togakure Ninja was officialy born when the museum was built.
There's no Togakure Ninja in historical records.
Of course some Nagano related historical records like about Takeda or Hojo mentioned Ninja(Suppa, Shinobi) but no "Togakure"
That is different from Iga/Koka.

However, to boost tourism economy, Togakushi is promoting the fictional Ninja as real.
That is a bad part of Japanese, economy is priority.

【2017/09/23 07:16 】 | Togakure | 有り難いご意見(0)
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